Want T3 Experiences for Research!


New member

Recently there has been an increase in threads about T3. It seems that my thread about my positive experience may have influenced some. I have said this before, I gain a tremendous amount of knowledge from some of you and when I can give back I do.

I have been monitoring about 15 people who are presently taking T3, most of which are friends. I am keeping tack of doses, manufacturer of the drug, persons stats, weight loss, side effects, diet, workout routine(cardio amount also) sex, and age. When I am finished with my research I will make a post for you all to read and hopefully some of you can benefit.

This thread is for people who have completed a cycle, or are on it now, and would like to update weekly with their results.. Please post your stats including sex, age, weight, bodyfat % at start, kind of T3, dosing, any side effects, weight loss amount, and any other information you feel can be valuable to people wanting to learn real life experiences. Please be complete!