want to get bigger and great gains! need some advice/help

lennox jones

under ground fighter
hey im 19 6,2" 190lbs im planning on bulking for a month to get bigger then cutting to lean it all out i just wanted to post this for anyone that has any tips or things that will help me along the way to get bigger, my workout routine is 5 days a week and i eat about 200g's of protein a day give or take

for this bulking cycle i was planning on taking my fishoils,multivits and veggie greens but i want to add in the new supps to help me gain the mass and muscle i want listed below, i am thinking on taking a quick gainer 1 scoop is 1010 cals, and 60g's of protein 2x a day,creatine after my workouts with a slow digesting carb to spike my insulin lvl ,and eating a shit load of good protein, carbs and complex carbs for a month and i hope to see results.

anyone that has a better idea on bulking please the help would be great there are alot of exp. people out there. also any other supps i should add to this list or take off to help me gain what i want? and any tips on the most benificial way to bulk when lifting in the gym? or how long my bulking cycle should be? i think will be doing a cutting cycle after the month to lose any fat gained and also any bloatyness but be taking things to help keep my gains

hope to get some help thanks :santa:
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i wouldn't train 5 days in a row. 3on 1off 2on 1off is what i would do personally. thats IF and only IF you really need 5 days.. most people should be okay with 3 or 4 at most. training more doesn't mean gaining more.

i wouldn't drink a pre made gainer. most of the carbs will be straight sugar. not great for lean bulking

eat real food to get big and bulk till you think you're big enough. if your gains slow, eat more. thats what bulking is about mostly. lift heavy.
oh and slow carbs won't spike your insulin as much as a fast carb.

I don't think the carb/insulin spike is really that pronounced to begin with so i'd just keep my diet clean if i were you. and bulking for a month and then cutting will most likely get ou right back to square 1 work on your diet and slow lean bulk for a few months.
Check out the 5x5 sticky. This is great for mass building. I would do no more than 3-4 days a week for size. See 3J in the diet section as well. This is the biggest factor for mass gain.
oh and slow carbs won't spike your insulin as much as a fast carb.

I don't think the carb/insulin spike is really that pronounced to begin with so i'd just keep my diet clean if i were you. and bulking for a month and then cutting will most likely get ou right back to square 1 work on your diet and slow lean bulk for a few months.

yes sorry lol i ment fast digesting high acidic lvl carb like taking it with apple juice but anyways thank you for the help!! :D
i wouldn't train 5 days in a row. 3on 1off 2on 1off is what i would do personally. thats IF and only IF you really need 5 days.. most people should be okay with 3 or 4 at most. training more doesn't mean gaining more.

i wouldn't drink a pre made gainer. most of the carbs will be straight sugar. not great for lean bulking

eat real food to get big and bulk till you think you're big enough. if your gains slow, eat more. thats what bulking is about mostly. lift heavy.

and for lifting heavy how many sets and reps do you suggest i do say for example im doing chest, and im doing dumbbell press with 95lbs would 4 sets of 3 reps
be good??
3 reps is okay. i'm a fan of 5x5 but others gain well on a 5/3/1. just make sure your lifts are heavy and keep volume reasonable.

3 reps would be good for strength but i think anywhere from 5-8 are probably the best for gaining strength/mass. just my .02
i dont care if you military press a car all day.. your not gonna grow without a decent diet