wanting some advice for Sarms( LGD 4033 )


New member
wanting to run LGD 4033, i have never taken anything like this , ive read and read and read about them for awhile now, but from what i know, when taking lgd i want to use a PCT, im not 100% sure which one id take or how to use a PCT for sure :/ research is hard when one says this and the other says that, and my knowledge is low so it can become confusing. so my question for the mean time , what would be a good PCT and how would i use it? i want to be safe as can be while doing this. Any advice is much appreciated.

my other option would be MK-2866 with some s4 on the side? let me no what you guys think
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Tamoxifen,Clomiphene Citrate??

Yes both. LGD is highly suppressive unlike most other sarms which are typically only mildly suppressive. LGD has the potential to shut you down completely. I'd recommend a full PCT of clomid and nolva like you said. Start the day after you stop the cycle and run it:

Nolva: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 50/50/50/50
I would. I would start with S-4, which isn't quite as suppressive. Even though you may not feel "shut down", it's still a reality with SARMS. What are your goals? For first time use, I would stick with one compound. Osta (MK2866), is also more suppressive than the S-4.

The PCT Jozifp posted above is the standard.
I would. I would start with S-4, which isn't quite as suppressive. Even though you may not feel "shut down", it's still a reality with SARMS. What are your goals? For first time use, I would stick with one compound. Osta (MK2866), is also more suppressive than the S-4.

The PCT Jozifp posted above is the standard.

See fair results on MK 2866 ran alone?I'm already pretty fairly big and lean natty, just want that small help nothing much , I'm 220 6'5, 225 and a little leaner would be a success in my eyes/goals, I imagine I'd want a pct in any of these cases. I'd rather not s4 tbh because of vision sides I've been reading about. I'd go lgd if that was the case i think. I'm here to learn tho! So hit me with ideas for my situation. Thanks !
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Subbed... i'm on your same boat exactly! There's so much info and opinions in these forums that it can get very confusing. I've seen strong advocates for running clomid throughout the entire cycle (and then continuing it after), instead of starting it only when you stop the cycle. @jozifp103 any thoughts on this?
Subbed... i'm on your same boat exactly! There's so much info and opinions in these forums that it can get very confusing. I've seen strong advocates for running clomid throughout the entire cycle (and then continuing it after), instead of starting it only when you stop the cycle. @jozifp103 any thoughts on this?
whatever compound you decided to go with, for the first run, stick to a single compound. start at low range and can always increase. think about what your goal here is. how much can you afford to spend if you decide to run it 8-12 weeks? can you commit to that for a long period of time. think a bit outside the box. any vacation coming up, school things or work. some compounds you might not want to run as long or longer. just a thought
whatever compound you decided to go with, for the first run, stick to a single compound. start at low range and can always increase. think about what your goal here is. how much can you afford to spend if you decide to run it 8-12 weeks? can you commit to that for a long period of time. think a bit outside the box. any vacation coming up, school things or work. some compounds you might not want to run as long or longer. just a thought

Totally agreed! I'll be running LGD alone. I'm asking about clomid to mitigate sides/shut down.
I do have some work trips coming up later in the month which is why i'm only planning to start in February. Leaning towards 8 weeks for my first one.
Totally agreed! I'll be running LGD alone. I'm asking about clomid to mitigate sides/shut down.
I do have some work trips coming up later in the month which is why i'm only planning to start in February. Leaning towards 8 weeks for my first one.

nice- imho good choice running solo. I thought about adding another compound, but opted not to. did you decide which company you are going with? whatever company you decide to use either liquid or pill any questions, just ask
See fair results on MK 2866 ran alone?I'm already pretty fairly big and lean natty, just want that small help nothing much , I'm 220 6'5, 225 and a little leaner would be a success in my eyes/goals, I imagine I'd want a pct in any of these cases. I'd rather not s4 tbh because of vision sides I've been reading about. I'd go lgd if that was the case i think. I'm here to learn tho! So hit me with ideas for my situation. Thanks !

Yes, you could see some nice results on a solo Ostarine run. Dude, I'm here to tell you right now that the vision sides from S-4 are absolutely nothing to worry about!! I'm going into my 3rd week of it and all I'm experiencing is a little adjustment time when walking inside a building from a bright sunny day outside. NOTHING else! No yellowing that others speak of. Would you? Maybe. BUT, the sides go away about a day or 2 after your last dose..

If you decide on the MK, you could run Clomid throughout @ 50mg ed, and then through pct. The Osta would be dosed @ 25mg once per
Yes, you could see some nice results on a solo Ostarine run. Dude, I'm here to tell you right now that the vision sides from S-4 are absolutely nothing to worry about!! I'm going into my 3rd week of it and all I'm experiencing is a little adjustment time when walking inside a building from a bright sunny day outside. NOTHING else! No yellowing that others speak of. Would you? Maybe. BUT, the sides go away about a day or 2 after your last dose..

If you decide on the MK, you could run Clomid throughout @ 50mg ed, and then through pct. The Osta would be dosed @ 25mg once per

I think a few people read a few logs where people reported the yellowish tint or night vision problems. some had no issues at all. However the eye issue lit a fire and it fucking exploded! yet all those people who ran the logs said the issue went away and or they made a dose correction.

I haven't read one log or anything that someone went blind, their eyes fell out of the socket, the yellowish tint got worse and it turned to a gang green color.

that was half the problem with doing search's for research on sarms. youtube channels either promote it or wish it away like the plague of 1854.
nice- imho good choice running solo. I thought about adding another compound, but opted not to. did you decide which company you are going with? whatever company you decide to use either liquid or pill any questions, just ask

Leaning towards Sarmssearch at the moment, and also heard good things about Olympus Labs but want to read more about them.
Yes, you could see some nice results on a solo Ostarine run. Dude, I'm here to tell you right now that the vision sides from S-4 are absolutely nothing to worry about!! I'm going into my 3rd week of it and all I'm experiencing is a little adjustment time when walking inside a building from a bright sunny day outside. NOTHING else! No yellowing that others speak of. Would you? Maybe. BUT, the sides go away about a day or 2 after your last dose..

If you decide on the MK, you could run Clomid throughout @ 50mg ed, and then through pct. The Osta would be dosed @ 25mg once per

Thanks for the reply man! Yeah I just thought for s4 being what it is why not go lgd instead but I'm starting to think for my first trials maybe go MK solo and see what happens with that? Any thoughts ?and why s4 over others ?
Thanks for the reply man! Yeah I just thought for s4 being what it is why not go lgd instead but I'm starting to think for my first trials maybe go MK solo and see what happens with that? Any thoughts ?and why s4 over others ?

For me, S-4 is just my favorite. I feel great on it and always have nice results. You really can't go wrong w/ any of the 3.. Some people even run all 3 together - the triple stack!! But, as someone new to the sarm scene, I'd start w/ 1 compound & see what happens.
Hey mate if your worried about taking lgd try Osta first its basically half way between lgd and s4
For me, S-4 is just my favorite. I feel great on it and always have nice results. You really can't go wrong w/ any of the 3.. Some people even run all 3 together - the triple stack!! But, as someone new to the sarm scene, I'd start w/ 1 compound & see what happens.

Thank you for your input , it has been much appriciated! I got to crunch some numbers and see what I'm going to all need here before I proceeed ,but before I can do that ,I need to know should i run MK for 8 weeks?
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1500mg in (30ml 50mg/ml)? If this is correct it should be 60 servings I believe? Which should cover the 8 weeks ?
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1500mg in (30ml 50mg/ml)? If this is correct it should be 60 servings I believe? Which should cover the 8 weeks ?

Is not the bottles of MK-2866 at SarmsSearch 25mg/ml?

If so then you will need 4 bottles of MK-2866 to run it 60 days at 50mg a day.

Is that what you are doing?

Also, why are you running it at 50mg per day when the recommended dose is 25mg per day?
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