warming up testosterone before injections?

Do you keep it at room temp? Do you want to warm it above room temp?

I don't warm it above room temp (and I find it goes in very smoothly) but I have read postings on this board by people who do warm it. And I should also mention that I store it at room temp.
I think it depends what gauge pin your using. I warm mine since I use a 29g needle.. goes in in like 6-7 seconds.
yes if using a smaller needle with thicker gear it actually does help to warm it

i use pharm test with 25guage so I have no issues and dont need to warm it up ... except one time my watson crashed actually so i heated it up to bring it back to life

what kind of gear you using?
There is nothing wrong with warning up the oil if you want. Simply warm up some water in a small bowl and then set the bottle in there. It will make the drawing process go a lot faster and it will make it easier to inject.

I personally do not do this but know many many guys that swear by it.
I just started cycling and I use 28G and it took absolutely every bit of 15 minutes to draw and inject my oil. I'm going to have to try warming so I don't have to take a half hour out of my day to do a jab.
just drop down to a 25 or 23 and there will be no pain and will take about 5mins or less.
I just started cycling and I use 28G and it took absolutely every bit of 15 minutes to draw and inject my oil. I'm going to have to try warming so I don't have to take a half hour out of my day to do a jab.

Do what I do, order a syringe with a needle of 18g which you will use to draw and replace the needle with a 23g-27g to inject.
No fuck pinning with 18G, that's what I draw with. buy a bulk load of them and some 22G 1" and 1.5" for pinning.

why? with a 23g you can draw and pin with, perfect. and sometimes i switch tip to 25g 1" for delts (front and mid) or other smaller areas like that (front delt).
22-23g is good for both. to me 18g is too much for rubberstopper. I want my stuff as steril as possible, i am just uneasy when i see bits comming out as I have in the passed.
To pin with an 18g...... well I dont know I never tried that I think its crazy! HAHA
I just started cycling and I use 28G and it took absolutely every bit of 15 minutes to draw and inject my oil. I'm going to have to try warming so I don't have to take a half hour out of my day to do a jab.

but 22-23g and draw with then then put back this tip. or even just stick with the new pins. to use 28g for oil like this is nutz! you will be there for a while in some cases (depends on gear)