water retention?


New member
does test prop or fina cause it? I came home from work last night took off my socks an noticed some swelling and when i pushed on it it left an indention (3+ edema) should I back off the dose Im taking? using 100mg test ed 100mg fina ed
Taking any ancillaries like A-dex or Femara?
I personally don't get much fluid from prop and fina; if you're having 3+ pitting edema, you either need to drop your dose or get on some anti-e's.
Checked renal and liver function lately?
Test (which converts readily to estrogen) can cause alot of water retention. Although I can't say I have ever heard of it so much in the feet...
should I drop to75mg ed for both or keep at 100 mg but go eod? also I have clomid should I start? this is only my 5th week!this sucks
bump for more info pls,(nips are puffy no pain or itch so i think its water ret.but with the test makin me horny I keep staring at my beautiful nips!) jk! but do need more info
Well you could try cutting back on your dosage......or get some liquidex right away.

Clomid is not going to do much for you, so I wouldn't bother with it right now.
cdog said:
does test prop or fina cause it? I came home from work last night took off my socks an noticed some swelling and when i pushed on it it left an indention (3+ edema) should I back off the dose Im taking? using 100mg test ed 100mg fina ed

This seems like quite a bit for a first cycle.
700mg test, 700mg Fina.
Anyone else agree?
Re: Re: water retention?

Easto said:
This seems like quite a bit for a first cycle.
700mg test, 700mg Fina.
Anyone else agree?

700mg/700mg sounds good to me but I'm a giant chemistry experiment. It sounds like a bit much for a first cycle.

Prop causes water retention for me especially at 700mg/week. I notice my watch band getting tight after a few weeks on prop with no l-dex.
I ordered my l-dex from researchkits last time. You will need .25-.50mg/ed. .25mg works for me but others have to go higher.