Ways to increase appetite/hunger ?

If you want to increase your appetite and eat everything in sight try MK677. GH peptides stimulate a brain gut peptide known as Ghrelin, this hormone goes to the anterior pituitary and tells it to secret GH. Think of Ghrelin as a survival hormone, once you become hungry it gets stimulates. So for instance cave man has been hungry for a 24 hour period because there is no food source in range, the human body secretes GH so he can think more precisely and have more strength and endurance to travel out of range and obtain food.
2 cops went missing after I had bath salt:insane: use not abuse, for best and Optimal results for hunger add bath salt on a big bowl of choco frosted flakes add lactose fat milk and reese's pieces along in the mix.


from my experience EQ or GHRP6.
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2 cops went missing after I had bath salt:insane: use not abuse, for best and Optimal results for hunger add bath salt on a big bowl of choco frosted flakes add lactose fat milk and reese's pieces along in the mix.
what do you call this concoction? never tried putting salt in my choco frosted flakes. i do love the reeses pieces inclusion though.
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