We Will All Reach Greatness - TheSunWillRise


New member

21 yrs old. 5'6". Currently 145lb. Peaked at 155lb. Understand counting calories and macros. Workout consist of high volume and frequency currently.


Get to where I want faster ~ 160lb. Currently researching steroids. Thinking about using, depending on the results of my hormone test. Which I will get through PrivateMDLabs.

After reading all 23 pages of the beginner cycle. I'm going to follow this format I believe. I'll ask nightmare for thoughts.

Here is what I will have on hand:
  1. 2x Testosterone Enanthate 250 (250mg/ml) 10ml
  2. 50 caps - Nolvadex 25mg
  3. 3x HCG 5000 IU
  4. 50 caps - Clomid 25mg
  5. Arimidex 1.5mg/ml 60ml

Other Supplies:
  1. Alcohol swabs
  2. Sterile 25 gauge or above syringes(1.5")
  3. Sterile 22 gauge needles
*Planning to get the needles and syringes from RUI

The Cycle
Weeks 1-10 Testosterone enanthate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday )
Weeks 1-13 Arimidex .5mg everyday
Week 5 250iu Human Choronic Gonadotropin on pin day. 500iu per week
Weeks 6-13 Human Choronic Gonadotropin- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu per week
Last 10 days Human Choronic Gonadotropin - 1000iu

Post Cycle Therapy
Weeks 1-4 Clomafene Citrate (Clomid)- 50mg everyday
Weeks 1-2 Tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex) 40mg everyday
Weeks 3-4 Tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex) 20mg everyday

****STILL Under construction******
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Hey are you a chick. If not don't use steroids at your age you will be stuck at 5'6''. You want Igf-1LR3 it will make you grow taller and then you can put on some weight naturally. 5'6'' is very short for a guy. Most women are around 6 foot in college these days. You don't want to be looking up at everyone for the rest of your life.
you understand counting calories yet you are 145lbs???

what makes you think you will gain and keep weight on cycle when you cant do it off cycle? esp at 21 where your testosterone levels are as high as they are going to get??

why would you do that to yourself??
Just eat dude...I was 6'1 140 at your age...I'm 205 and am using my first ph now at 29. Ask 3j, he may give you some free advice on calorie intake if you ask nicely...at least so you don't mess yourself up.
You got some solid advice. You are not at your genetic max, trust me. You are young and you need some help in the diet area. Food is the most anabolic thing you can put in your body. Besides that, your cycle is not planned out well and has a lot of things wrong with it. Get with 3J, invest in his diet services and you will be very surprised at your results. In the meantime, it wouldn't be bad to get a hormone panel done and see where your natural levels are at. Good luck.
I got flamed last week for proposing a some cycle ideas. Main reason was I am only 22. Im 5' 9''. Im 162lbs as of this morning on the scale. I know how tempting it is for us to want to jump on gear and add mass. Only problem is, if we are failing to gain weight without gear at our age that means there is something wrong with how we are eating, or training, or that our metabolisms are just overactive at this stage. If any of these are the case, then getting on roids is just a crutch. ANd we will lose our gains, waste our health, and risk our HPTA.

It is not worth it. I have chosen to prove to myself I can gain without gear. Once I prove it then I will go on light AAS usage to get myself to my natural genetic potential. In the meantime Im focusing on my health and getting my thyroid evaluated. When my body starts responding to the training and food like it should then I know im ready for gear. I am waiting til i put on 13 or 15 lbs and am up to 175-178. This is even a controversial starting poiint but it is farrrr better going on now. If those gains come quickly in a spurt I will just keep up with the momentum and wont get on gear until I plateau again.

Be wise bro,
im in the same boat as you. I feel what you feel man. Just prove you can gain without the gear. You wont regret it.
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I was 6' 165 at your age. With the proper diet I was able to put on 15 pounds in 3 months with some help ands good training. If you want to take something get your diet worked out and learn " When and How much" to eat. I The truth is high test levels thin some people out. Your young with a fast metabolism. If I were you I'd be more concerned about your hight that what you weigh. Life has a way of filling us out. If you stunt your growth then you going to be stuck. If you want a health safe alternative buy a Mass stack from Juice Pump - Your Oral Anabolic Source it won't effect your natural hormone levels it will complement then and help you put on 10 15 pounds in 6 months if you get the calories and protein in.

It's not time for steroids till your over the 200 lbs mark and hit the wall on your diet and training a few time and have worked threw I t.
First of all,

Thanks for just coming and posting your thoughts on to my thread. Great to see people watching out for us younger guys.

Yes I'm 5' 6". I'm taller than both my parents by half a foot. Asian genetics. I do wish I could be taller but it's not looking like it so far. (I'll do some research on Igf-1LR3 to see what that is about.)

I'll be getting some labwork done on Monday and I'll post results of the test when I get them.

I understand everyone concerns and am thanking it ALL in to consideration before making any rash decisions.