Weak gains from test after 3 cycles, should I try a different compound or give up?


New member
Hey bros,

I have recently finished PCT for my third cycle, which consisted of a gram of test plus dbol the last four weeks. I was very disappointed with the results of my last two cycles, which consisted of 500mg test for the first one and Dbol added for the second one.

I was fairly satisfied (for a while) with my gains at the end of this last cycle, but now that I've lost the water and glycogen I find myself wondering if this is worth doing for me.

I'm knowledgeable about training and nutrition and my cycles were done properly. I'm pretty sure my gear was legit because of the side effects and bloodwork (first cycle), except for some of the test on my third cycle.

So I'm wondering if I should try a different compound, something DHT or Progestin based and maybe I will respond better to it, or I should just accept that I'm a very weak responder and give up.
I never ever liked the results i get from test only. I only use test to stay a man lol i use low test always, you may want to add a compound especially since its your 3rd cycle. I dont think you need a gram either
I think it really depends on what expectations are before that first pin. The media has painted a picture that AAS simply blows you up, adding 50lbs in a matter of weeks. After a few cycles, you learn that's simply just not true. Unless we're talking newbs that don't use an AI and consume 10k calories a day - but those aren't the kinds of gains I'd want personally. ;)

What kinds of gains we talking here OP? You exceeding your TDEE by 500 calories, and reevaluating your TDEE as the cycle progresses?
My expectations were pretty high before the first cycle and adjusted accordingly but still I don't think anyone would be happy with the gains I got.
I may have gained around 10-15 pounds total from the cycles.
I ate a lot and I got fat on all three cycles, so it's definitely not a problem of calories.
If your high in bf like me high test is a enemy for gains also other steroids dont work as well good thing tren does lol
My expectations were pretty high before the first cycle and adjusted accordingly but still I don't think anyone would be happy with the gains I got.
I may have gained around 10-15 pounds total from the cycles.
I ate a lot and I got fat on all three cycles, so it's definitely not a problem of calories.

Post your diet in 3J's free advice thread, he'll help you identify what's missing there. 5lbs of true LMM from a cycle is nothing to look down one's nose at, but I suspect that there is a diet issue here.

See what the guru has to say. I'd at least do that before you start throwing more drugs into the mix.

My .02c :)
I was thinking of trying Tren but I'm a little worried about organ damage, I know some people think it's a myth but I'm not sure.
Post your diet in 3J's free advice thread, he'll help you identify what's missing there. 5lbs of true LMM from a cycle is nothing to look down one's nose at, but I suspect that there is a diet issue here.

See what the guru has to say. I'd at least do that before you start throwing more drugs into the mix.

My .02c :)

I was eating around 200g of protein and plenty of calories at a weight between 160 and 180 so I'm pretty sure its not the diet.
I wouldn't give up... it's just a matter of dialing everything in properly for your results.

We would also need to know if you ran hCG and a proper PCT.
Yes. I ran HCG in the days while Test was clearing out before PCT, and PCT was standard Clomid 100/100/50/50 with Nolvadex here and there.
Also, I do appreciate all of you guys' responses, although I was really looking for an answer to the question if I could respond better to another compound and not those standard "what's your diet like" type responses, I've heard those 1000 times.
Be honest, how many is plenty of calories?

I eat very close to mid 4k's daily and other days plenty more.... 300g+ coming from protein.

I'm pushing 200lbs, 5'8". Little chubby.

Also, nolvadex here and there? Should have been daily alongside the Clomid. 40/40/20/20 mg's daily by week.
The reason everyone is asking about your diet, is because 90% of the time.. when someone is running good gear and complaining about a lack of gains, size, strength, w/e... It's typically their diet holding them back..

Not everyone needs the amount of calories I do to grow.. but depending on your day to day life, (how many calories you burn) you could be under eating now that you've gained a bit of weight and plateau'd..
Depends on your goals the look you want also depends on your bf and if you have a solid foundation thats how you can decide what compound suits you the best, i always use compounds that do not convert to estrogen. If you dont eat clean all the time (cough) like me dbol test for example are horrible choices. I love bodybuilding dont t get me wrong but i dont want to be measuring my food i enjoy life to the fullest so i choose hormones that accommodate my special needs lol
Also, I do appreciate all of you guys' responses, although I was really looking for an answer to the question if I could respond better to another compound and not those standard "what's your diet like" type responses, I've heard those 1000 times.

If you've heard it a 1000 times maybe you should listen. If your body isn't growing using Test then there is a problem PERIOD and unless your gear is underdosed its your diet.

As far as adding a second compund just do it, then come back and start a thread that says Deca or Tren didn't give you the gains you hoped for and ask if you should give up.
If you've heard it a 1000 times maybe you should listen. If your body isn't growing using Test then there is a problem PERIOD and unless your gear is underdosed its your diet.

As far as adding a second compund just do it, then come back and start a thread that says Deca or Tren didn't give you the gains you hoped for and ask if you should give up.

Are you familiar with the concept of people being different? I said it multiple times, I got FAT on those cycles, which means I was eating at a surplus, and I have listed my protein intake. There is nothing else to it.

Edit: musculardevelopment.com/articles/chemical-enhancement/2942-androgen-receptor-sensitivity-all-men-are-not-created-equal-by-dan-gwartney-md.html#.VSOr9vmUetY Very good article on the topic btw
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How long were these cycles ?

If you want mass test deca dbol with an ai to keep aromatiz. in check with the test and dbol as dbol s conversion to estrogen producing sides is very fast and dramatic...did you have a very good sense of well being ? Deca will probably need some type of prgest. anatag countering agent like prami or caber.

Back when I did not care about water weight this was my go to cycle for all out weight strength===muscle growth; as UNDER all that layer of smooth water and to some degree fat muscle repair was occurring.

Plus I personally like SOME water and bloat as it means---
my gear was gtg plus with water retention, though not ideal for cuts and vascularity or making weight in powerlifting, one is ensured that the muscle if properly fueled and rested has access to a reservoir full of all your essential elements and minerals..aminoes etc....positive nitrogen state.
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I don't understand why people on these forums can't get it through their heads that people respond differently to training and gear. I have 800ng/dl test naturally and yet have a high voice, very little hair and so on. Clearly I just don't respond to test and that's not what I am here to debate. I wanted to know other test non or weak responders' experiences with different compounds, that's it.
Well, considering you said you weigh between 160-180, I would have to agree with diet also. Gotta eat big to get big. Maybe you need to get that thru your head. You came here asking questions, right? Post up your complete cycle from start to finish with diet and everything.