Weak gains from test after 3 cycles, should I try a different compound or give up?

I just gave you my direct answer to your direct question however with 8 posts and a less than comprehensive response to more than one senior member or vet you still answer vaguely to their requests and then pitch a bitch when you get asked the same question.

Post a pic
Describe your training
describe your diet
height---unless your a hobbit 160-180 you best be a fkn RIPPED TO SHRED HOBBIT

post a pic please

U say it s dialed in.training, diet etc....are we to assume that there s no chance it s it s only a matter of one more compound b4 you can wear a large shirt....fill us in with your wealth of knowledge determining that another aas is the ticket to the 200 pd Valhalla..
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I'm not going to post my diet because a) it hasn't been consistent aside from the protein intake and generally staying in a good surplus and b)it's irrelevant to what I want to know. My training is normally strength oriented, consists of 3 sets of one exercise plus 2 sets of another with 3 min rest, max effort, muscle group once a week (except for this third cycle, which was a heavy day as described and light day with 2 exercises, 4 sets each around 1 min rest). Sometimes I do an upper lower split with the same parameters with each half of the body trained every 5th day or so. At the beginning of my first cycle I switched to a regular bro split with 15-20 sets per muscle group and shorter rest for a couple weeks with terrible results, so I switched back.

View attachment 561070 - This is my first cycle, beginning to end.

[/ATTACH]View attachment 561072View attachment 561073View attachment 561074 - second cycle week 1, week 4 and around week 16. It's my mistake here, I actually was fairly lean throught the cycle but got fat pretty quickly on my PCT. Not blaming the gear for that of course.
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Why cant u post something as simple as your caloroe count.... Then, now, and next.... You should be increasing ur caloroe intake as offen as every two weeks
Actually by looking at the pics they do seem like OK gains, although I'm pupmped on most of the on-cycle pics and there is a big difference between that and what I look like non-pumped some time after the cycle. And also before my first cycle I had lost a little size and strength because I took some time off to heal an injury.

Here is what I actually look like right now, one week after PCT #3: View attachment 561080

I guess they are not completely terrible results, but I don't think most people would be satisfied with them.

My end goal is to look like I looked at the end of the 3rd cycle pumped when I am not pumped, and obviously to be lean.
Soo did I read this right you do 2 exercises per body part totalling 5 sets per week? If that's the case you're not undereating, you're under training. That's not enough volume for mass and barely enough for strength gains even if you're going all out on the 5 sets. Instead of adding another compound, take that money and contact 3J about nutrition and training, at the very least spend $20 and get Jim Wendlers book 5/3/1. It's a great book and you will get strong!!
I don't understand why people on these forums can't get it through their heads that people respond differently to training and gear. I have 800ng/dl test naturally and yet have a high voice, very little hair and so on. Clearly I just don't respond to test and that's not what I am here to debate. I wanted to know other test non or weak responders' experiences with different compounds, that's it.

If you believe that you don't respond well to test then try a different compound. It is possible, but if you were already dead set on believing that is the reason for minimal gains then why even come here. It is true that not everyone responds the same to AAS but what do you want us to say to make feel happy. I believe diet could contribute but maybe this is not your case. Try medium dose test with medium dose deca next cycle.
Soo did I read this right you do 2 exercises per body part totalling 5 sets per week? If that's the case you're not undereating, you're under training. That's not enough volume for mass and barely enough for strength gains even if you're going all out on the 5 sets. Instead of adding another compound, take that money and contact 3J about nutrition and training, at the very least spend $20 and get Jim Wendlers book 5/3/1. It's a great book and you will get strong!!

OP is this accurate? If so then what the fuck are you doing on gear?
Actuallly that's what I do off cycle/on a cut, on my cycles I added a light day for upper body muscle groups (can't really handle more training for legs due to an injury and constant pain from pinning), so it's more like 6 all-out plus 8 lower intensity, short rest sets per group, which is a pretty typical workout.
And again, those are all out sets with three minutes rest in between, which is very different from how most people train. If I add any more volume on this type of training I can't recover and it doesn't change on cycle.
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Looking at the pics you posted.... Cycle one; end result you are more ripped. Cycle two not as ripped. In both you have about the same muscle build. I say diet is the issue. What ever you did in cycle one do that again. Then really analyze your training and find a way to get more of an adaptive response. Increase intensity, and volume, go heavy etc etc.
I'm not going to post my diet because a) it hasn't been consistent aside from the protein intake and generally staying in a good surplus and b)it's irrelevant to what I want to know.
I was eating around 200g of protein and plenty of calories at a weight between 160 and 180 so I'm pretty sure its not the diet.

Pardon? If diet is inconsistent then you can't know you're eating at a surplus and thus growing. Steroids are androgenic so by their nature they help us burn fat which makes me think your gear is bunk and you were eating crap (or worse in an attempt to grow). Did you get bloods to make sure your T levels were elevated?

But really, need those P/C/F macros so that we do know you're above maintenance and indeed "eating to grow".

....Seriously think your gear is bunk though mate
I think it really depends on what expectations are before that first pin. The media has painted a picture that AAS simply blows you up, adding 50lbs in a matter of weeks. After a few cycles, you learn that's simply just not true.

I agree with this.
Going into my first cycle I thought I was gonna explode with muscle. Definitely not true.

Now that I am running my third cycle, I can see the massive difference between all three cycles. And the same people who have been working out at the same gym as me these last 2 1/2-3 years have not made anywhere near the gains and improvement that I have
Like I said, I tried a typical bro type workout with 15-20 sets per muscle group once a week and couldn't recover for shit.

You realize steroids help you recover faster right?

Of do you mean that you tried a bro-split, yet werent used to lifting with so much volume so you gave up and went back to your god-awful routine?
Yes you can know, if you are gaining weight/fat then you are eating at a surplus. Steroids' effect on burning fat is ovverated and my bloods put me at 1850 ng/dl around week 4-5, so maybe very slightly underdosed.

Wrasse, that was my point. They didn't help me recover faster.
I think the gear is g2g and his diet is probably adequate enough. I don't count my macros everyday and I am growing fine. I am blaming the training volume in this case. Some of your "workouts" consist of 7 sets. Wtf is that? You got good gains on your first cycle but you need to up the intensity. I feel like I can workout forever on cycle and the next day I'm g2g.
I think the gear is g2g and his diet is probably adequate enough. I don't count my macros everyday and I am growing fine. I am blaming the training volume in this case. Some of your "workouts" consist of 7 sets. Wtf is that? You got good gains on your first cycle but you need to up the intensity. I feel like I can workout forever on cycle and the next day I'm g2g.

Exactly^^^^ I do almost the same amount of work off gear as I do on, just less intense and a little less volume. The difference is on gear for example the day after legs I have a little for a day soreness, off gear legs are sore for 3-4 days!
Its estrogen and and water moosh you look better before running a gram same shit happened to me. Heres the truth despite everyone blaming macros and diet your gonna get worse during pct unless you starve yourself lose fat and your clomid and nolva are not gonna preserve your muscle.

Most of my experience is with tren so i dont like talking about stuff i dont know or haven't done myself. Youd look fucken great even on low dose 50mg tren ace eod and some masteron. Dont use high test anymore it will just make you bigger but softer as you can see.