Weight training while Training for a half marathon


Exotic is Erotic...
I have a question on how my diet should be if I am weight training and also training for a half marathon.

little about my self
When weight lifting I am currently doing a 40% carb, 40% protein, 20% fat daily intake.
200 grams of protein
200 grams of carbs
44 grams of fats

I am 31 years old, was fairly active growing up, ran and swam throughout high school and college.

After a nasty and grueling 11 year toxic relationship my activity level went from 10 to 1... literally. I went from 25% body fat and weighing 140lbs (size 6) to who knows what body fat and 248lbs and a Size 22... Ugh... I hate to admit I ever let myself get that big but I did.

Recently I decided to make a change and have been consistently weight training, working my core, doing cardio and eating super clean. In 3 months time I have dropped 30lbs.

Starting weight was 243lbs in August, Sept 234lbs, Oct 228lbs Current weight 206.2lbs.

I am traininig for some runs coming up, a 6 miler, a 3.47 mile obstacle course, a 3.1 miler, and 10-12 mile obstacle course.

My goal is to reduce my body fat from (current 34% body fat to 16% body fat, build lean muscle, and strengthen my overall body while building up my endurance to compete throughout this entire year.

Should I be increasing my carb intake due to the fact that I will be training for my runs?

I run every other day 3.1-3.5miles currently and will be increasing the distance weekly as I continue to increase my weights as I weight training.

I do not want to lose the muscle I am buidling due to the amount of cardio (from my vigourous runs I will be doing).

I do not know what to do... Any suggestions.
Thank you, it is trail and error at times, I am working hard to achieve the goals I am setting for myself. Sometimes, I feel like I am a student and the gym is my classroom. Observing others and their daily exercise habits trying to imagine me being as strong as them one day while still keeping my feminine phyisque. I feel Stronger as a person, and this part of me has been the best change within me and I am amazed how strong I am physically too.
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Still in search of helpful tips for when to carb load and how much my daily carb intake Should be when preparing for my long distance races. ;)
I've seen your changes firsthand, Smilee, and I'm damn proud of you!

Thank you Stevenmd, it's nice to have support and encouragement, this is an ongoing change starting from the inside/out for me, I am constantly making sure I am always doing my best, sometimes it doesn't feel like I am doing all that I can do, but that is just the impatient part of me, wanting to see quicker results, I increase my knowledge, seek advice, and through trail and error, will achieve my overall goal I have set for myself. Thank you for being a part of this journey my dear friend.
Smilee you probably won't be getting help on this site. After all this is a steroid site, with mostly bodybuilders and powerlifters. Endurance training (cardio) is an enhancement for weight lifting.

If you're training for a half marathon and need diet and strength training advice, you'd be better off on another site like runners world, or the Triathlon sites like Slowtwitch or Beginner Triathlete (my favorite). BT has some great free marathon training plans. Plus there are a couple of PTs in the strength training and diet forums that really know their stuff!

Good Luck!.
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Thank you
I will check out the sites recommendend

My problem is I am trying to do both lol
Body build and try to train for Triathlons

My biggest question is can I attempt to do both at the same time, or do I need to choose one or the other. :/
Thank you
I will check out the sites recommendend

My problem is I am trying to do both lol
Body build and try to train for Triathlons

My biggest question is can I attempt to do both at the same time, or do I need to choose one or the other. :/

I would think that you'd be able to achieve both goals as long as your not trying to build huge bulk muscle. Maybe talk to 3J about your goals?
In order to maintain your muscle your really gonna have to increase your calories, the more you do - the more you need to eat to maintain your body weight. You will without a doubt get leaner but if you under eat you will lose muscle mass. Especially since it's a marathon, the fact that your going to be burning a TON more calories which is energy out will mean you need to take in more. In fact with the increase in calories and activity it will benefit you making you leaner and more muscular.
In your opinion if my caloric intake is currently 2000 calories (super clean eating) what do recommend for my increased calories? Adding another 1000 calories Or more?
Would I stay at the same 40/40/20 ratio?

I don't want to be bulky but want muscle definition and to be cut And I know I will thin out quite a bit from all the endurance training I will be doing.
im guessing your female??

so yes, if your increasing cardio i would add carbs.. actually i would do some sort of carb cycle.. it would be good for your weight loss too...
im guessing your female??

so yes, if your increasing cardio i would add carbs.. actually i would do some sort of carb cycle.. it would be good for your weight loss too...

Yes, I am a female. What do you mean by Carb cycle? I am still new to this.

I have trained in the past but mostly just Weight Trained never trained for 2 different things before.
Yes, I am a female. What do you mean by Carb cycle? I am still new to this.

I have trained in the past but mostly just Weight Trained never trained for 2 different things before.

have you ever considered hiring a nutritionist for something like this?? i have a 15% off deal if your interested... email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com

but to answer your question..

if your eating 200 carbs on the days you are not running.. you should be eating 300 on the days you are

so it will look like this

200, 300, 200, 300, 200, 100 (off day if you have one), 200
have you ever considered hiring a nutritionist for something like this?? i have a 15% off deal if your interested... email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com

but to answer your question..

if your eating 200 carbs on the days you are not running.. you should be eating 300 on the days you are

so it will look like this

200, 300, 200, 300, 200, 100 (off day if you have one), 200

I currently do not have a nutrtionist, I will email you for more information regarding that portion. Thank you :)

My current trainer doesn't specialize in Nutrition. He just helps me with My Weight Training Phases I go through.

I do consume close to 200 grams of carbs daily, depending on my activity level does determine if I consume fewer carbs than 200, at times I am doing 120-179 grams. While my protein stays around 198-210 grams, and fat is 39-44 grams.
I consume around 1600-1980 calories daily, I keep a journal of what I consume and I try to drink 120 oz of water daily.

I will try the 200, 300, 200, 300, 200, 300,100 carb intake and see how I preform while running, swimming, and my biking.

I just took a new set of progress pics on Saturday, to see how my body transforms during this next Training phase I am beginning tomorrow. (its high weight, 5 sets 4 reps fast pump).