WeightLifting Gloves

What do you think about lifting gloves?

  • Hell no!! Gloves are for PUSSIES, real men have CALLOUSES!

    Votes: 88 62.9%
  • Hell Yeah! Soft hands make for a better j/o sessions!

    Votes: 17 12.1%
  • Uhm.. if I didnt wear them, my lady wouldnt let me man handle her tits.

    Votes: 19 13.6%
  • I leave them off. My manly touch makes me a hit at the gay bars and bath houses.

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • If I didnt have callouses, what would I chew on when I get nervous? (especially when a girl shows me

    Votes: 8 5.7%
  • I wear them. Hell, i wear them all the time. When Im by myself, at the S&M club, with your mom.. y

    Votes: 7 5.0%

  • Total voters
I wouldnt give a shit what women say about calloused hands but I always wear my gloves because I get a much better grip.
I think you need to add the "I wear gloves because callouses chaffe my Willy" option.
Never wore them...never will. But I do hate my chaffed Willy:D
Die$eL~Man said:
fuck gloves.... it's like wearing a condom ....
I know what you fuck, now i am scared, lol. Please don't share the same air with me anymoer, i don't want to catch any airborn diseases. :)
ntnfdvd said:
I think you need to add the "I wear gloves because callouses chaffe my Willy" option.
Never wore them...never will. But I do hate my chaffed Willy:D
Shit my dick is more caloused than my hands. :D
funny thread..i use straps for my heaviest sets..yeah i know its cheating..i just think its funny when guys come in with their belt on gloves spandex and tank tops and theyre doing pushdowns with like 50 lbs..no matter what they do the belt is on and so are the gloves..i chuckle every time i see one :D
gloves all the way!! the chickys dont like calouses. you know how much money they pay for those victorias secret bras?
I never wear gloves anymore on back or leg day, but for chest, I feel like they help my grip on the bar, plus i need the wrist wraps b/c of wrist pain if I don't use them.
I couldn't care less about callouses, but I always wear gloves for two reasons:

1) I need to focuse 100% on the weight I'm lifting, and not on my hands hurting. I also tend to pinch the skin on my hands during some exercises (eg. lat pulldowns)

2) I really couldn't care less about being a 'real man' in the gym, I'm there to lift big and go home. I will put myself through a lot of pain if there is a purpose, to endure pain for no reason at all is crazy to me

If someone could give me a valid (eg. they reduce performance) reason to not wear gloves, I will throw mine out today, but I have not seen a reason yet to make me get rid of the gloves
used to wear gloves for bench because it helped my grip but I haven't used them for months now. I just use the forbidden chalk, damn fitness gym.
I used to use straps for deads but i weened myself off those too. Now if my hands are really killing me I will use hooks for certain exercises, lat pulls, seated rows, etc.
i never ever use gloves. My hands are as soft as any other woman's. I use chalk when i'm deadlifting or benching if its really hot, and straps for doing shrugs- thats it.
but i may be one of the few women that think callouses are cool.
Up until a few weeks ago, i had really long nails- never broke one in the gym either.
thetopdog said:
I couldn't care less about callouses, but I always wear gloves for two reasons:

1) I need to focuse 100% on the weight I'm lifting, and not on my hands hurting. I also tend to pinch the skin on my hands during some exercises (eg. lat pulldowns)

2) I really couldn't care less about being a 'real man' in the gym, I'm there to lift big and go home. I will put myself through a lot of pain if there is a purpose, to endure pain for no reason at all is crazy to me

If someone could give me a valid (eg. they reduce performance) reason to not wear gloves, I will throw mine out today, but I have not seen a reason yet to make me get rid of the gloves
