WeightLifting Gloves

What do you think about lifting gloves?

  • Hell no!! Gloves are for PUSSIES, real men have CALLOUSES!

    Votes: 88 62.9%
  • Hell Yeah! Soft hands make for a better j/o sessions!

    Votes: 17 12.1%
  • Uhm.. if I didnt wear them, my lady wouldnt let me man handle her tits.

    Votes: 19 13.6%
  • I leave them off. My manly touch makes me a hit at the gay bars and bath houses.

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • If I didnt have callouses, what would I chew on when I get nervous? (especially when a girl shows me

    Votes: 8 5.7%
  • I wear them. Hell, i wear them all the time. When Im by myself, at the S&M club, with your mom.. y

    Votes: 7 5.0%

  • Total voters
b fold the truth said:
They were 340 each and the reason they did that was because the handles were knurled (sp?). Farmers Implements are not supposed to have the knurling on them...they are supposed to be smooth.

B True
Ooooooh, somebody was there. LoL. B fold, if you lift things like that, you are now officially my hero.
I like gloves!! It's like driving a finely-tuned sports car. The added padding adds a psychological benefit. Your hands being protected for the extremes they are about to endure changes my psyche from the usual mundane episode, into a mentally compelling journey.... Just sliding them on and snugging them up prepares me psychollogically for the work ahead!!! I'm able to tell the needed appendages that they will be aiding in tearing down muscle fibers that will cause me to meet my ideals, so let's do for each other. I'll take the measures to aid you in performing, so long as the job gets done. For me, it's just another pre-war preparation that allows me to believe I'm going into battle fully prepared.......
i dont use them.....but i'm going to start using them on deadlift days because the pain that inflicts on my hands really takes away from my lift.
i7readbhlb said:
No gloves

The pain inflicted is because the bar is sliding out of your hand.... Why is it sliding out of your hand? YOUR GRIP SUCKS!

Use chalk and get yourself some Captain of Crush Grippers

Making fun of me, I presume. *sarcastic laugh* lol.
I use them 90% of the time cause I hate the callouses and the rough finger tips the newer bars give you. I love to massage women so I want smooth fingers to work on them with. And I use lotion 5-6 times a day since I have dry skin all over too.
never use them did when i started lifting till i realized only the women had them and all the powerlifters and bodybuilders would look at mine with a disgusted look and smirk, now i know why only girls and sissy boys wear them plus i can't grip the bar nearly as well , my girl loves my rough hands she says their manly, hell ven she stopped using them , she just uses alot of lotion to soften them up many times to my benefit.....you know coco butter on your shlong really makes it look nice and shiny and soft...bwaaahhhaaahhaaa.
I never wear the things. I did for a little while at my old gym just because the bars for deadlifts were cheap and factory fresh. They could cut your hands up pretty good on a heavy day.

I will never use gloves again though. I laugh at bicep queens who wear them when they do their endless sets of bench and arm curls. The only time I ever wore them was for deads but no more.
I think I posted on this thread before, but I have changed. I used to wear them for everything, then reduced that to just deads and shrugs.

But now I don't use them at all. My hands are rough, but I'm cool with it.
I have gotten so used to wearing them that I feel like I am missing something if I forget to wear them. I prefer the gloves with the wrist wrap built in.
I use football gloves to work out it's the best, gloves are the greatest thing, they add a sense of power and strength and i could never work without them or play football and i get callouses even though i wear gloves is that normal?
Foot_076 said:
I use football gloves to work out it's the best, gloves are the greatest thing, they add a sense of power and strength and i could never work without them or play football and i get callouses even though i wear gloves is that normal?

Yeah, I have the same problem. I also use gloves but I still get small callouses occassionally...