Whale Wars


Toilet repair guy
I havnt watched 10 minutes of this program in the probably 3 years its been on televison. But Ive
hated every 1 of those 10 minutes. These "supposed" enviromentalist on this "supposed" reality
save a whale show, make me want to eat a great big whale t-bone. Im now more fond of the Japanese for their non apologetic consumption or their favorite meat.

Ive traveled enough and been exposed to enough to know that the show is probably almost all scripted. But still, these fukers make me want to pick up a dead baby seal and club a whale to death with it...........and Im a devout pacifist.
lmao, that show is crazy... why dont they get a submarine & torpedo the japanese ships ? Their ship is no fucking match for the Japs.
Would be way more interesting if they raided boats, blew them up and lit them on fire.

With that being said, I don't see why you dislike it. They are saving a whale from getting a gigantic spear shot into it and painfully dragged out of the water
Would be way more interesting if they raided boats, blew them up and lit them on fire.

With that being said, I don't see why you dislike it. They are saving a whale from getting a gigantic spear shot into it and painfully dragged out of the water

We will pretend for a moment that this show is "reality" and not just entertainment. Whaling is a legal occupation in some countries, these guys are just earning money to feed their kids......
Destroying/disabling a ship could get the people on board killed if a storm where to occure. Attempted murder to save a whale? Come on.

Almost all of television is scripted and produced for entertainment only. Not education.
The History Channel and documentery programs are absolutely full of fluff. The "experts"
they enterview are often just actors, or other snake oil salesmen that are trying to make a buck
off the same fluff.

I just think the show is a lie bro......and the actors need a bath, haircut, and a workout program.
show is a little boring - seems everything is always going wrong for teh 'Sea Sheppard' ..

I'm for saving the whales. Way to cool those big fish.

Eat some f*cking Tuna.
while most people will just brush it off as a cultural difference, like "thats just what they eat over there" the thing is, there actually is a difference between eating a whale & eating a cow. the difference is their ability to reason & level of intelligence. one is more conscious of it's own existence while the other is more or less, "just existing". a whale is one of the smartest animals on the planet while a cow is not nearly as intelligent... i guess what im saying is animals fall into different categories when it comes to how conscious they are of their own existance making it unethical to kill & eat them. another example that is closer to home is, would you feel ok eating a horse or a dog?? anyway, while im not a vegetarian, i dont like the idea of eating another living creature thats capable of feeling pain. i know that makes me a hypocrite haha.. oh but Ya, Whale Wars is probably the worst show i have ever seen SOOO BORING. nothing happens.. U guys should watch a south park episode called whale wars. freakn hilarious!
while most people will just brush it off as a cultural difference, like "thats just what they eat over there" the thing is, there actually is a difference between eating a whale & eating a cow. the difference is their ability to reason & level of intelligence. one is more conscious of it's own existence while the other is more or less, "just existing". a whale is one of the smartest animals on the planet while a cow is not nearly as intelligent... i guess what im saying is animals fall into different categories when it comes to how conscious they are of their own existance making it unethical to kill & eat them. another example that is closer to home is, would you feel ok eating a horse or a dog?

Ok, this is a good point.......But what if the whale was a radical islamist pointing a sks assault rifle at your family????? You would jump on my ship and grap the harpoon yourself. My logic is my karate and it is just too strong for you.