What a great week


New member
Wow has this week sucked. As many of you know I used Boldenone propionate a while ago and that really fucked me up. Well today upon injecting 400mg 1ml EQ into my upper outer thigh I pulled out the syringe and squirted blood like a horror movie all over my floor. I aspirated and got no blood. I started to feel a little dizzy. The only thing I did different was I left the syringe in for about 10 seconds after it was empty instead of pulling out right away. So did alot of my EQ go all over the floor with the blood and I guess I injected into a vein right? I'm tellin you man this cycle isn't going so hot already,lol. I know it was that fuggin black cat that walked past me today.
throw an alcohol pad on RIGHT after pulling out the needle.......
and you were probalby dizzy from seeing the blood (girl)
You probably nicked a vein on the way in, and when you removed the pin, the blood now had a way out. If you aspirated and everything was ok, then you did NOT inject into a vein.

I doubt any EQ was wasted at all.

As for feeling dizzy, @dam is right with his comment above........."girly boy".
I have done the same thing before ( without the almost fainting part ), like everyone said just put your maxipad, oops I mean alcohol pad on it next time you lil sissy.
Alright asshats,lol. I was dizzy before I saw the blood. I actually stood there for a minute and watched my self bleed down my leg which I believe is pretty tough. So stop being such big ole meanies,lol.
some eq may have gone into your bloodstream. If enough did, youd feel lightheaded and would probably get a good case of cold sweats and yuod generally feel SHITTY for bout 30 seconds. Its happened to me twice. Sucks. As for losing EQ on your floor, It sounds like you injected further in your leg than the vein was, since you didnt draw blood. Dont worry bout it.
Like these guys have said, always put something over any opening in the skin like that and apply pressure to stop the bleeding.

Besides, the sight of blood is cool.