What AAS's produce the most euphoria?


New member
D-bol is said to elevate dopamine levels in the brain and thus provides a sense of well being for most people while on it. Test makes one feel good in it's own unique way. What about the other's? Does anything else make one feel as good as D-bol or Test? I'm experienced with D-bol, Test, and a few other anabolics, but I haven't tried everything out there.

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Hey NN,

I cant say for sure whether or not I've experienced real euphoria on anyhting I've taken in the past, but d-bol made me VERY happy when i was in the gym. Felt like a freaking animal and weights were SOOOO light it was ridiculous. Not to mention having half the gym staring at you. Now THAT'S a good feeling!
i never felt the euphoria from d-bol, test nor fina, nor the others... i dont know, i woldnt know what it felt like even if i was experiencing it,
Cheeseburgers. Ok, when you finish laughing... like any other good starch, but for some reason, a nice double cheeseburger, about an hour before a workout, and I feel awesome. Stack cheeseburgers with dbol for improved results. ;)
Nutrient-Nut said:
D-bol is said to elevate dopamine levels in the brain and thus provides a well sense of being for most people while on it. Test makes one feel good in it's own unique way. What about the other's? Does anything else make one feel as good as D-bol or Test? I'm experienced with D-bol, Test, and a few other anabolics, but I haven't tried everything out there.


I love D-bol!!! The feeling & pump I have in the gym is awesome, I love that feeling!;)
Man, I LOVE fucking whoppers, for 99 cents it beats the dump out of Jumbo Jacks...

I can't say I've had euphoria per se, but test makes me feel a little more self confident a couple days after a shot? hmm.

Dbol would but the lower back pumps make me sad. I like EQ as well.

Ill be on HALO soon. I bet it will make me feel very well :)
is it the increased feelings of self confidence when on test (psychological) or is it physiological? I haven't done a cycle, I am curious.