what can i add to rid me of this f...in bloat


futile amnesiac
alright, i'm on 600 test en and 450 deca with 40mg dbol a day. i'm taking .5 mg of adex a day yet i still look like a damn blowfish, all in the face. is there anything else i can add to my current regimen to bring this down? i am getting more than enough water so i've no idea. damn near ready to get a few diuretic pills. any ideas?
6'2 214 before cycling, this is 4th cycle, 6'2 low 240's now. anyone got ideas? body fat is minimal, have 4 pack. all bloat is in face.
i think the decca is to much bro a week drop it by 200mg..are you taking creatine with this cycle???or
Hm, i don't think the deca is too high. Most users say it's pointless to use under 400mg.

why are you concerned with bloat? It doesn't really have negative effects and is not permanent. Acne, hairloss, liver problems, these I understand...but who cares if carrying a little bloat for a few weeks?
outlawtas2 said:
why are you concerned with bloat? It doesn't really have negative effects and is not permanent. Acne, hairloss, liver problems, these I understand...but who cares if carrying a little bloat for a few weeks?

you know i think that's a real good point outlaw. guess i should count the ol blessings and not stress too much about carrying some water. thanks for the perspective.
use a better aromatase inhibitor, dex is among the poorest of choices.

AIFM, Aromasin or letrozole

use of a dopaminergic (selegiline, cabergoline or bromocriptine) will help as well, though neither will completely offset the facial bloating of nandrolone (direct progestenic action)
fog said:
you know i think that's a real good point outlaw. guess i should count the ol blessings and not stress too much about carrying some water. thanks for the perspective.

think of it this way, when your coming off cycle it's like a "mini cut". lol
macro said:
use a better aromatase inhibitor, dex is among the poorest of choices.

AIFM, Aromasin or letrozole

use of a dopaminergic (selegiline, cabergoline or bromocriptine) will help as well, though neither will completely offset the facial bloating of nandrolone (direct progestenic action)

There's your answer.

In addition, closely monitor your sodium intake and increase your cardio.
outlawtas2 said:
why are you concerned with bloat? It doesn't really have negative effects and is not permanent. Acne, hairloss, liver problems, these I understand...but who cares if carrying a little bloat for a few weeks?

Because his BP is in the hypertensive range, and that can cause permanent problems.
StoneColdNTO said:
Because his BP is in the hypertensive range, and that can cause permanent problems.

hmmmm... I didn't read that anywhere in his post. Do bloat and having BP in a Hypertensive range come hand in hand?
outlawtas2 said:
hmmmm... I didn't read that anywhere in his post. Do bloat and having BP in a Hypertensive range come hand in hand?

generally...the extra water your carrying raises blood pressure as your body is not yet adapted and fully grown into the new size. it constricts everything on the inside. my BP was rediculous last time. good thing i have a friend thats a doc ;)
sometimes one can attribute water retention to their diet. I have cycled test alone and bloated up like a balloon on a bad diet. Im now on 750 test 750 decca and ahve very littel bloat id like to think its cuz my diet is clean.
Also it could be as simple as not drinking enough water.(not to sound like a mom or anything but sometimes these things make a big difference)
IMO it is the deca bloating you. .5 mg adex unless it is bunk shit should take care of you. Where is the adex from? (don't post the sources name) but is it research company or ug lab etc?

I would start by dropping the dbol.

ALso start supplementing with magnesioum, calcium, hawthorne bery and potasium. Pullinbig has devised this for BP issues and it works like magic.