What could possibly be causing this?


New member
Ok, one thing that is starting to confuse me is that after every cycle i've done (3 so far), my lh/fsh values always return to normal (baseline) and STAY normal even months after pct has ended. Thing that doesn't make sense is that my test levels seem to get a little lower each time, despite a normal functioning pituitary. I made the mistake of not using HCG the first two cycles but did the third. Why would my test levels be lower in this case? thanks.
Your balls got smaller from cycling gear -- they got accustomed to being smaller-- Heck being smaller and both fitting in your girlfriends mouth at the same time was a comfy place for them to be.

Now they just don't wanna get big again .. They were spoiled being small .. They don't want to produce more test.

Oh well, hopefully you still have the same GF
Your balls got smaller from cycling gear -- they got accustomed to being smaller-- Heck being smaller and both fitting in your girlfriends mouth at the same time was a comfy place for them to be.

Now they just don't wanna get big again .. They were spoiled being small .. They don't want to produce more test.

Oh well, hopefully you still have the same GF

lol. that's the thing though, my balls are as big as they ever were...
Ok, one thing that is starting to confuse me is that after every cycle i've done (3 so far), my lh/fsh values always return to normal (baseline) and STAY normal even months after pct has ended. Thing that doesn't make sense is that my test levels seem to get a little lower each time, despite a normal functioning pituitary. I made the mistake of not using HCG the first two cycles but did the third. Why would my test levels be lower in this case? thanks.

How much lower are we talking here? Also, are you getting the tests at the same time of day? Testosterone fluctuates as the day moves forward as well as by other factors such as dietary intake or sleep.
You'll be in the trt forum soon enough bud lol. It is expected when cycling that test will take a hit. You are also aging so double whammy.
I put up a headstone for my boys YEARS ago. They are what they are and as I am trt guy they are as useful as tits on a bull. I m more aerodynamic, have less drag in the hot tub, there s one less weak link removed in close quarters etc..fuck em so to speak.
most people who continually use gear end up on hrt... so this isn't surprising at all
I put up a headstone for my boys YEARS ago. They are what they are and as I am trt guy they are as useful as tits on a bull. I m more aerodynamic, have less drag in the hot tub, there s one less weak link removed in close quarters etc..fuck em so to speak.

I feel 100% the same buddy!
I dont think about it much. the steack looks bigger next to the potatos so w/e. only thing is I let girl know why (im on male birth control lol) **NOTICE this is not a sure way to go about birth control, noobs read this **
What freaks. How did you guys fuck your balls up so bad? That trt let's you keep gains but nuts shrink? Mine feel the same after cycle.