What do yall think of this


New member
Been reading and came up with this cycle Test c 2pin tues-fri 250mg *10weeks
Dbol 40mcg a day 1st 5weeks
Proviron 25mg a day 3-10week
Anavar 50mg 6-10 week

Novladex 25mg a day 1-6weeks
Aromasin 25mg a day 1-3weeks

Lookn to gain 15 lbs
pct is totally wrong...should be run after your cycle.

test c half life is around 3weeks, so after your last shot wait 18-21 days and start nolvadex 40/40/20/20
run the anavar week 9/10/11/12/13 up to just before you start pct.

But the biggest advice i can offer is that you do more reseach and sort your cycle out properly.Its messed up.
post cycle therapy (pct) is totally wrong...should be run after your cycle.

test c half life is around 3weeks, so after your last shot wait 18-21 days and start nolvadex 40/40/20/20
run the anavar week 9/10/11/12/13 up to just before you start post cycle therapy (pct).

But the biggest advice i can offer is that you do more reseach and sort your cycle out properly.Its messed up.

Yes the post cycle therapy (pct) is 3weeks after my last test c pin and thats why I had it listed separate and will last 6 weeks sorry to confuse anyone jus figured we all knew that. Im only running a 10 week not a 13 week cycle and using var the last 5 weeks of it. So isnt it the same thing u listed? So guess its not as messed up as u think. But thanks for the bump.