what do you guys do for a living?


New member
i only make $13/HR as a medical biller, going to school to be a nurse. i've been looking at various prices for the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that i use and it is extremely expensive. i used to live 2hrs from mexico so i would make frequent trips there and bring back small amounts till i had enough for a cycle. the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) were cheap, especially comparing them to what they cost when you buy them outside mexico. a 12-week cycle of 600mg test/wk and 400mg EQ/wk would cost me around $280. buying them through a source would cost me a ridiculous amount. and then there are the ancillaries (sp), food...you guys must make a good living
Student by day, Trainer by night/day.

Poor as shit but someday that will be different.
Us poor guys make our own gear...I can't even afford to buy stuff manufactured by pharmacies anymore, plus its more fun...
FDA Affiliate Regulatory Operations Manager---Company Unknown?

Make $75,000 a year, plus no kids....alot of money saved there.