What do you guys think about this? (Cycle Critique)


New member
This would be my Fourth...

Dianabol @ 50mg/ED Weeks 1-8
Sustanon @ 750mg Weeks 1-22
Equipoise @ 800mg Weeks 1-15
Deca @ 400mg Weeks 1-10
Finaplix @ 75mg/ED 16-25
Test Propionate @ 100mg/ED Weeks 23-25
Winstrol @ 50mg/ED Weeks 20-25
Insulin @ 10 I.U.s PW Weeks 4 Weeks on 4 Weeks off.

I haven't even started my third cycle and I think this is what I would want to do for my fourth. I am sure I will be at my goals size wise easily by the end of my third, but I just want to get fucking enormous (like big enough where people think you're disgusting and little kids cry when they see you) with a nasty cycle like this just once, then I will ease off of shit like this and just run 2 compound 10 week cycles and such for my remaining juicer days.

What do you guys think?
other then that....i think it looks insane......go for it bro!!! hahahahahaha fuck man u got me all riled up reading that shit..... i wish i was old enough to bust a cycle like that
It looks like a great cycle to me. I haven't used that much eq but from all I've read I see no problem with it.

I also don't necessarily see a problem with the length of time you are running your orals, so long as you take the proper measures to protect yourself - e.g. alpha lipoic acid, vitamins C and E, etc.

Also you didn't mention anti estrogens or clomid but I must assume you have that all worked out since this will be your 4th cycle.

I used to be hung up on the idea that a cycle shouldn't exceed 10-12 weeks. Bill Roberts has noted that problems with HPTA recovery become MUCH more common with cycles longer that than. However, I'm starting to warm to the idea of much longer cycles since most of the accounts I have read are not consistent with Bill's article(s).

I suppose I would be going out on a limb to say that I haven't seen any evidence that long term use of insulin will reduce insulin sensitivity, cause you to become diabetic, etc. I've used insulin for 12 weeks at a time with no problems, but we all have to make our own decisions.

Enjoy and please keep us posted on your results.
Basically I would'nt have your testicles after running 25weeks at that doses,you'll need many times to recover,BTW using a good schedule of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid trough the cycles you can reduce the srinkage of testicules,however it'll happen no matter what.
The only thing that I would remove from this cycle is Deca @ 400mg Weeks 1-10
How 'bout sticking some Proviron in there? Say, 50mg/day weeks 1-19, discontinuing it when you start the Winny.

I think dbol for 8 weeks is fine. It's not nearly as bad as some would have you believe. However, that sure is a boatload of gear, almost 2 and a half grams of gear a week!
50 mg for 8 weeks is insane...[great hole through your liver]

run it for 4 weeks..... anything longer than that is waste, ur only asking for sides and no gains

if you have done enough research, u shud know DBOL stops functioning after 6 weeks, and ur already using too much gear, so u dont need DBOL ANYWAY.

I was also thinking of doing over 1 g of gear/wk for my second cycle, but posting my cycle over 5 different boards made me come to this conclusion:

"More gear is not always better or will give you greater gains"

DIET is what matters the most. I dont know how much you weight, but when ur doing that much gear, all u need to do is EAT like a mother fucker.... OVERTRAIN [no rest - 7 day training] and lift heavy....

and ur gonna need like 8000 - 10000 calories [i am sure, u can get used to it at THAT dosage of gear]

gear will process all that u eat, EQ is too much also, 400-600 is the margin that u need, as ur running it for 15 weeks, you dont need to overdose the weekly dosage. EQ and Deca hit the same receptors, so DONT USE IT TOGETHER [wasting gear again]
use EQ towards the end as its a better cutting agent, Deca is better bulking agent. [bulk and then CUT.. for more vascularity]

Check this out

Dianabol @ 50mg/ED Weeks 1-4
Sustanon @ 750mg Weeks 1-22
Equipoise @ 400mg Weeks 10-25
Deca @ 400mg Weeks 1-10
Finaplix @ 75mg/ED 16-25
Test Propionate @ 100mg/ED Weeks 23-25
Winstrol @ 50mg/ED Weeks 20-25
Insulin @ 10 I.U.s PW Weeks 4 Weeks on 4 Weeks off.

WK 9-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5000 IU [to give your balls(it will be peanuts by week 10) some air]
wk 23-25 9-12 Clomid 50mg ED
big_bonez said:
50 mg for 8 weeks is insane...[great hole through your liver]

run it for 4 weeks..... anything longer than that is waste, ur only asking for sides and no gains

if you have done enough research, u shud know DBOL stops functioning after 6 weeks, and ur already using too much gear, so u dont need DBOL ANYWAY.

I disagree with everything except the 'using too much gear...' part. Running dbol for 8 weeks is not insane, it's just that guys on the internet have overemphasized the damage to the liver and acted like if you go for this length your liver will fall out. The only way that will happen is if your liver is already in serious condition.

And where in the world did you get that dbol stops working after 6 weeks? That's crazytalk. But you mention researching dbol gave you this answer. All I ask is show me the proof.
I have done d-bol for 8 weeks before w/ no problems....2x's before....and I will do it again in the future....as long as you have ALA and milk thisle you'll be fine.....
big bonez do me a favour and please stop posting everything that u read here and there ,everything u said is wrong !!!!!i wanna see where u read that after 6 weeks dbol stops working ?????also deca and eq to getrh is not a waste of gear tehre plenty of bros whove ran it with great resaults ,there simialr but not identical ,eventhough i would drop the decabut thats another story .doing homwork??u wanted to a gram for ur second cycle ????bro get real !!8000 cals 10000 ???honestly bro do ur self a favor sit abck and read befroe u give out advise again .