what do you honestly do with used needles?


New member
so I just started trt last week, I just threw the empty needle/syringe in a tupperware for now but it's gotta go somewhere eventually. What do you do with yours honestly? anyone just throw them in an empty milk jug and toss them or do you have to get some special container disposal thingy? can I just save them and give them to my doc to get rid of every 6 months?
Don't know if you have this option where you're from.. but in Australia we have Needle Exchange programs. We get all our needles, swabs, etc. for free and safe disposal containers. We can hand in the full containers when we get new ones.
It depends on the laws where you live. In Pennsylvania, for example, hospitals and doctors are not required to take sharps containers (so many refuse to take them) and you cannot throw them in the garbage...so if you use one you are stuck with it forever. The rules actually say to use a hard plastic container, such as an empty laundry detergent bottle or a resealable coffee can, and fill it up with the used needles. Once full, tape it tightly closed and write "DO NOT RECYCLE" on it. Then toss it in the regular trash.

IMO, that is horrible, but it is the law here. I am worried the garbage truck will use it compactor (as they always do) and bust the plastic jug open, spilling needles everywhere in the back of the truck...but nothing I can about that.
Here is a helpful flyer from the Great State of Texas: tinyurl.com/qgswons

Used needles & syringes from a private residence or hotel are not considered "medical waste" in Texas and are exempt from regulation.
With Prince on this one, thankfully we live in Australia.

You backwards Americans :)
Sharps container for 5 bucks from a local Walmart goes into the dumpster when full. I just have to make sure it's sealed shut.

Yes, America definitely has it backwards on many things. I've said it before, but it still amazes me that we can buy poisons in the grocery store that are PROVEN to kill over time (alcohol/tobacco), yet I have to get a script for water containing a preservative/microbial agent. D'oh! :wiggle:
I use an empty laundry detergent bottle .... been using the same one for over a year now. Tape it shut when full and throw it away.
same with my state.. you can just put them in the trash.. i take extra precaution and put them in a plastic sharps like container but it goes in the trash
State laws are retarded. You can dump them in a milk jug and tape shut, throw it in the regular garbage. It goes to a landfill nobody says shit, but if a sharps container from within a hospital accidentally gets tossed in the regular garbage and goes to a landfill, there's an all out investigation and huge fine to the hospital that it came from. And yes they're traceable by barcode so not that hard.
wow, i thought i was some kind of criminal tossing it in a milk jug and throwing it away... from what I could find about my state it appears that's actually pretty legit.
I bury them in the back yard next to the dead hookers. But I put them in a sealed container and label them as hazardous waste (the hookers, not the needles).
I bury them in the back yard next to the dead hookers. But I put them in a sealed container and label them as hazardous waste (the hookers, not the needles).

I put the hookers in hazardous waste containers and leave the needles uncontained. Different rules for different locations, I suppose. ;)
I filled up this tiny sharps container from Amazon.. and then just tossed it into a 5lb Whey Protein container. I now just toss everything in one of those. After I realized I'd be going through those sharps boxes so quickly I looked for an alternative. This one I don't really have to hide from company seeing at least. Sits in my bedroom.. I probably just look like a protein junkie lol