What do you think of Mentzer's High Intensity Training?


Well-known member
Mike Mentzer happens to be a favorite bodybuilder of mine, and I was just curious if any members liked this training style or have ever had any great success with it?

I'm on a different program altogether, and am not looking to switch or anything.
Dorian and Mentzer were unique in their approach for training but it does not mean that they never did volume training...

anyways the ideal way is to keep on changing programs every 8-10 weeks ,why don't you follow periodization.
I mean of course, Dorian was already huge when he came to train with Mentzer. He was searching for something to take him beyond what he was at.

I've only been doing the regimen I'm on for a little over four weeks, prior to that I was doing volume for 6-8 weeks. I agree to change it up here and there, was just asking peoples opinions on the efficiency of such methods.