what do you think of this stack???


New member
I am getting my hands on some real,but underground Masteron 10ml bottle, 100mgs and mixing it with 100mgs of tren enanthate,15 ml bottle and 100mgs of tren acetate,15 ml bottle Black lable stuff and combining them into a 50 ml bottle,and topping the rest off with some red star primomax 200mg/ml.
should be a real nice stack!
what do ya think???
JohnnyB said:
don't mix, you may not get an even mix, that will through your doses off.


I agree with Johnny B...I don't see how you would be getting an accurate dose of each when withdrawing!
also 3 drugs and ones not test?? you wont put on much size with that combo, hope thats at least a cut cycle.
MikeyW said:
I am getting my hands on some real,but underground Masteron 10ml bottle, 100mgs and mixing it with 100mgs of tren enanthate,15 ml bottle and 100mgs of tren acetate,15 ml bottle Black lable stuff and combining them into a 50 ml bottle,and topping the rest off with some red star primomax 200mg/ml.
should be a real nice stack!
what do ya think???

Hey, are you a barman preparing a cocktail?:p

Anyway not a mass stack, my friend. And I don't understand why 2 different tren esters. If you're lucky enough to have the enanth, drop the poor acetate.