What do you think? Overtraining?


New member
Yo Guys,

I'm right in the middle of a dbol/sus/winny cycle, so far so good.
I have always worked out alot, I am currently doing six days. I have overtrained before and I know what it feels like.... I do not have that feeling now, just want your opinions.

Day 1/3

Day 2/4

Day 3/6

Cardio is done when I have time and energy left (2-3 days a week)
What are you guys doin right now? Do you think I could be sabotaging gains?

Thanks guys, I appreciate your opinions.
Really depend's on how quick your body recover's. Im doing five day's now, one body part a week except for Calve's and Ab's.


Ten week cycle at 500mg of Test Enan....
That's what I do............
Once a week of intense training is usually enough for everything except things like abs and calves.
urafreak said:
Do you find working chest once a week enuff?

So far so good... I stay sore for at least four days and if I dont then I didnt hit it hard enough, in other words im alway's sore. :D Like cali said, if you hit it hard enough one time a week, that's all you'll need.
urafreak said:
Yo Guys,

I'm right in the middle of a dbol/sus/winny cycle, so far so good.
I have always worked out alot, I am currently doing six days. I have overtrained before and I know what it feels like.... I do not have that feeling now, just want your opinions.

Day 1/3

Day 2/4

Day 3/6

Cardio is done when I have time and energy left (2-3 days a week)
What are you guys doin right now? Do you think I could be sabotaging gains?

Thanks guys, I appreciate your opinions.

IMO your routine sucks and I know u would be overtraining.
Well thanks beast that is some constructive criticism there. Why don't you post what you’re doing at least?
DRS maybe I'll give it a try, it just seems mentally hard to stop going as much…

Most ppl I talk to are doing 5 days at most.
okay here is what i'm doing:
Monday: chest and tris
tuesday: legs w/ deadlifts
thurs: shoulders
friday: back and tris
sat: off
sun: off

I try and do cardio on the days i have off but sometimes it just don't work.
When i work out it is hard and heavy so i need alot of rest usually before i do another body part i find cardio on the weekends are the best since no one is in their. After every work out i do cardio for 15 min or above they works just take 45 min for me. Plus cardio so almost a hour or just over.
urafreak said:
DRS maybe I'll give it a try, it just seems mentally hard to stop going as much…

Most ppl I talk to are doing 5 days at most.

You'll be going only one less day, but you will be only working one major body part a day though. And if you give it 120% every day, you wont regret it. I used to work every body part 2 time's a week but I would end up lifting with sore muscles and I finally relized that I was'nt able to give it my all in each workout, so I cut it down. Been doing great for me.
Good luck
I really dont think you can 'ask' if you are overtraining. The only one that can truly answer that is you. This is going to be my spit when I start my cycle.

Sunday-Legs with stiff leg deads, also bi's
Wednesday-Back, bi's
Friday-Tri's, several sets of laterals for shoulders.

I know it seems crazy that I dont work my chest. The only things that genetics blessed me with was a good chest.
I think you'll find better gains if you train your bodyparts just once a week and just really hit them hard when you're there! ;)
I agree...once a week per body part. Gotta give your muscles time to recover...that's when they grow...as they're repairing themselves.