What exactly are "back pumps"?


New member
How would you explain them to a newb?

I'm 7 days into a prohormone cycle and I've been reading online that the most common side effect is back pumps.

Are they like a palpitation in your back? A sensation/awareness of blood flow? Or are they just a pain in the lower back.

I'm partly wondering if I've got bunk gear. I do have some pain there but I'm wondering if that's the same thing, I'm also training in acrobatics which puts strain on my back.
Its not something that is going to happen all the time. It also isnt something that is constant.

It feels like extremely tight muscles in the lower back area mixed with massive bloodflow to the area. Like a pump in a muscle from resistance training.

Very painful and sometimes difficult to even move from it. If you actually have a bad lower back pump there will be no wondering if thats what it is or not.

Some compounds cause it. Some exercises can as well. And lack of hip mobility (causing lower back area to become more engaged) can cause it as well.
Look into getting GOAL (glutamine ornithine arginine lysine). This will help your body excrete ammonia amongst other things.
I can deadlift all day and not get near the back pump that I do when I do weighted back extensions
They're typically assosciated with tren/anavar.

Have you ever had shin splints? Same feeling, just for your lower back.