What Exactly is Test?

i'm taking propescia now, and also 1-ad. i'm taking one pill of propescia - what would be an adequate dosage to up it to? (obviously 2 pills i'm guessing but i dunno what the side fx are of taking too much?)
Proviron will help reduce aromatization as well , i `d use nolva post cycle only since it may hinder gains if done during cycle ( to prevent gyno )
Xtreme57, I am not flaming you, but read read read. And read this board. This is the best learning board you will find. Follow the thread here and look through the articles. Spend several months reading religiously before thinking of what you are going to take.

On the positive side, I am glad to see you wanting to learn. A lot of guys pop on here and just want to know what to take and where to get it.
i do read which is where my questions come from. alot of ppl use abbrv that i have no idea what the drug really is. i ask ALOT of questions b/c oftentimes just reading a thread poses a different question that just looking up the definition of something. everyone's gotta start somewhere
If you really want to learn a mess of information about steroids, I'd suggest getting a book. While places like this are good for learning "rule of thumb" ideas, a lot of bad information floats around because people are just misinformed.

You might be under the impression that estrogen is bad, DHT will make your hair fall out, and you have to suppress all of these things. Well -- that's only a half truth, because in reality, estrogen is anabolic, and you actually want your testosterone and nandralone based anabolics to undergo a 5 alpha reductase (enzyme responsible for converting test into DHT) once they are inside they cytoplasm.

One book that I could recommend is anabolics 2004. I've got 2002, and there is a shit-load of chemical analysis, and extensive citation of clinical research. The guy knows his stuff. There is an in depth analysis of over 140 compounds, stacking suggestions, side effects, and the whole 9 yards.

Like I said, there are a lot of people here that really know their shit, and they have it together. But then there are many who don't, but offer up their opinion anyway. Take it for what it's worth, but my experiences have been best with professionally published materials.
Xtreme57 said:
ok, from what 've read so far i don't understand why ppl say that test is a good first cycle? It has high DHT conversion and high aromatization... ?

Test is normally the best (first) good cycle because you have never done it. If you need to first findout how your body will react. \\ Some people willl stack compounds then have reactions and not know which compound they have problem with.

Its like building a house. You dont start building the roof first, you start with the foundation.

I hope that makes sense.
but then in theory couldn't you just say any one thing would be a good first cycle? or do you have to have at least test and something?
Xtreme57 said:
is test hard to come by compared to other aas? (relatively speaking i mean)

Its pretty much the #1 steroid, so no, testosterone is easy as hell to get in relation to OTHER steroids.