What experience level for SARM use

^^ There are sarms out there that are more than 30x more supressive than test so it really is not an incorrect statement. Just like I said in another thread, Sarms are awesome but the key to using them properly is to recognize the sides that are specific to the sarm you are considering using and to use the compound appropriately. My example in that thread was LGD. LGD is very suppressive and plays hell om lipids so you need SOME form of test base and you need to watch the duration that you run it for. Same holds true for all sarms, research the sides, use accordingly, thats all. To say they are side effect free is def not true but I dont see many doing that and the ones that are, well they are wrong!!
You are mistaken bro there is supression and there is shut down. Sarm effects are person to person. But to say sarms are more supressive than AAS is false and bad info. Sarms are a great alternative for someone not ready to step into the world of steroids, or as a alternative to orals. Sarms are safe aslong as you have a solid supplier. I stand behind sarmsearch for quality and there gw is awesome.
I dissagree. if you are not ready for AAS then you are not ready for SARMs in my opinion.
also shut down and supression are the same thing.... differing words for the same thing. you can say it shut down or suppressed, same thing.
i can say i was shut down or suppressed whilst on deca. one guy may be very shut down and even sterile during deca use while the other guy might not be as shutdown (or not as suppressed) so although it can very person to person, generally if something is very suppressive (or causes shutdown of hormone production) it applies to all, to a slight varying degree dependent on the person.
saying "you are shutdown from deca" doesnt mean total shut down, it means there is shutdown in the production of the system, to a varying degree. maybe to you shutdown means total supression, thats not what most mean. "i think im shut down" "i think i'm supressed" same thing IMO
also I am all for SARMS (as posted many times) but this vibe that they are completely different in physical and suppressive effects is not right or correct. sure some are milder than others, but SARMS do cause shutdown and I personally dont rec sarms without a test base.

if you are not ready for aas you are not ready for sarms plain and simple. they may not be a hormone by text book, but lets not kid ourselves, you are STILL playing with your hormones and if you are not at a point to be doing that or lack the training or knowledge, this hold true for SARMS or AAS in my opinion.

Sarms do impact liver, do effect blood profile and do cause shutdown/suppression to varying degrees compound dependent (like conventional aas) and they should be treated as such and not as something harmless. steroids are pretty safe if used with knowledge and care, same goes for sarms IMO
They are deff a good alternative to typical oral aas for sure, and a nice addition to cycles.
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As I say time and time again every one has there opinion. Thanks for sharing I feel we are all here to learn if you do not agree with what I say that is fine. End of the day we all have goals and which ever road u decide to take is 100% personal. I can only shrare my knowledge from research and my experiences.
As I say time and time again every one has there opinion. Thanks for sharing I feel we are all here to learn if you do not agree with what I say that is fine. End of the day we all have goals and which ever road u decide to take is 100% personal. I can only shrare my knowledge from research and my experiences.
They are not only opinions they are facts. would you like me to post various studies showing hormone shutdown on sarms? some greater than testsoterone administration? or negative effects on blood profile or liver toxticity? on many popular sarms? These are not just opinions they are fact. the only opinion i added is that i feel if you are not ready for aas you are not ready to use SARMS and thats based on facts which formed my opinion. the rest is medical fact and ill more then willing to devote time and gather some of the research I have looked into over the years if this is a must for you and you really havent done the indepth research you seem to think you have..
anyways I do agree we are all here to learn and all have our opinions, but dont dissmiss the facts to keep your "opinion " formed for what ever reasons you have.
I will just leave this be for now. but you better believe i will post up studies to detour people from wrong info that may negatively affect their health or grow their knowledge.
I can only shrare my knowledge from research and my experiences.

No you can expand your knowledge by listening to those that posses more knowledge and experience. It's one of the main benefits to a forum such as this one. Don't rob yourself of it. By doing so you are doing yours elf (and actually others ) a great disservice.
Each SARM has to be taken on its own. While they are lumped together, they are like AAS in the fact that each one has different profiles and can impact you in vastly different ways. I HIGHLY recommend using PubMed to do research on SARMs. SARMs are the next big thing Big Pharma wants to bring out as they can make a killing on them if they can get them right. As such, they must do research and publically post it else they can never get their new drugs approved.

The research almost always looks for two main things - does the drug do what we want it to do (increase muscle mass for example) and what side effects does it have (destroy your cholesterol or harm your liver?). They want massive improvements in what they want the drug to do with no side effects. They WILL list all side effects, though, they have no choice, even if it means their drug fails to ever make it to market. If they hide stuff they will get sued horribly later and have to settle out of court for way too much money.

I recognize not everyone can read PubMed articles and understand them, which is why you should listen to those of us who can. I always try to reference the articles when I talk about what they say, so that people know I am not just making stuff up.