What good is prohormones time waste or great


New member
So I have heard and I quote (prohormones provide minimal gains with sides, just go with test).. What are some of your opinions
They are pretty good for a beginner to decide if they want to use AAS down the road. Good PHs will require a decent PCT.
Really? Sorry for the ignorance can you hit me with some basics let me know what brands etc to look at, what kind you would trust etc?
Goals are, more strength more muscle size. 37 years old, 6ft 212 lbs roughly 17% bodyfat bench 225, deadlift 405, squat 315. More strength more lbm.. cant say it enough primary goal
Goals are, more strength more muscle size. 37 years old, 6ft 212 lbs roughly 17% bodyfat bench 225, deadlift 405, squat 315. More strength more lbm.. cant say it enough primary goal

Wow, this is interesting stuff...

Just playing. Gonna try out a ph and log it, I'm pretty skeptical as well. Seems like a lot of the advice you get in this particular forum is from people trying to push product, not necessarily help you.
Wow, this is interesting stuff...

Just playing. Gonna try out a ph and log it, I'm pretty skeptical as well. Seems like a lot of the advice you get in this particular forum is from people trying to push product, not necessarily help you.

Really ? I never noticed that. Lots of good advice here.
Hey my friends im no scientist but after a short dive into ph merits.. Its basically pin some test instead.. thats the general consensus.
I think PHs are a good stepping stone to injectables.....a good starter PH would be something like helladrol or epistane as they are so mild and have very little side effects. Helps you develop good cycling habits.

But I will say, using test with a PH was even better. I put on 20lbs and got super strong....loved it!
No product pusher here...I love epi, that's the one that I can say truly works for me. I put on 15lbs last run and strength way up.
PH's are actually pretty good. I have tried several and will continue to use them even with AAS's. They are legal and easy to get. The sides are managable if you do your research. The results can be very good based off of diet and exercise just like AAS's.

I have always received good results with halodrol, Epistane, and trenazone-which I believe is under a new name.
The big blends with mulitple PH's in them can be attractive but you have to be careful with them. You'd be better off just buying the individual PH's and taking them seperately.
I gotta say my friends.. Im not thinking im sold on ph

Legit PH ARE oral steroids, compare side by side chemical breakdowns and make ups if youre skeptical. Some are weak some are strong, not a whole lot different then doing a dbol, tbol or anadrol only cycle. The difference is legal vs illegal, and the fact you'd be bashed to all hell for doing an oral only cycle.
Well can someone tell me what a good strength building cycle would look like with some ph? Product and personal experience with said product?
Ok now ive heard that same thing before, but coupled with not as effective either.. It seems that with rrsponsibility steroids can be used quite safely with sides being controlled. Can you really compare some ph's to dbol?
Prohormones are derivatives of already ILLEGAL steroids for example Halodrol is modified Turinabol , Methylstenbolone is modified Stenbolone , Superdrol is modified Masteron , the list goes on