What has happened to Triple H??


New member
What's the deal??

From being a Body Building wrestling Superstar to a fat, lazy looking out of shape slob.

He needs to start some serious cardio work.

Maybe he could tag his wife along for the exerice......... she looks like she needs it.

What do you guys think?
he was looking so good there for a while, then all of a sudden, he was always getting hurt and barely doing anything in the ring.
I know him and Stephanie just got married not too long ago but I didn't think he would settle into the "get married, and get out of shape" stage. Let's hope he realizes that he needs to take it up a notch.
I hope he does too. What wrestler he was until he blew his quad.

Best body in wrestling............ back then.
you got to keep in mind he had 6 months off and all he did was train
now he is on the road everyday of the week and plus he has interviews out the ass this limits his time in the gym

do you agree?
Yeah, I agree, but he's done it before.

I've never seen a wrestler get so out of shape before.

Most WWE stars stay some kind of consistent.

I don't know if it's injury or burn out, but he's just let it go.
JRfromTN said:
you got to keep in mind he had 6 months off and all he did was train
now he is on the road everyday of the week and plus he has interviews out the ass this limits his time in the gym

do you agree?

I think he's probably taking a little break from the drugs too.
Fyre said:
I think he's probably taking a little break from the drugs too.

Nah, it's the exact opposite of that. He's bloated right now because he is on a huge cycle. You can tell by looking at him that his muscles are retaining a lot of water right now. In a few months he'll cut back down, and be in shape again.
Rigor Mortis said:
Nah, it's the exact opposite of that. He's bloated right now because he is on a huge cycle. You can tell by looking at him that his muscles are retaining a lot of water right now. In a few months he'll cut back down, and be in shape again.

I don't think he looks like he's on much...heheh...cuz he's shrunk so much. He looks small and flabby right now.
He is smaller, delts look very depleted. Standing next to Shan Michaels you could tell he's lost size.

He's just not jacked anymore. Maybe just letting his body heal.