What HGH has done for me, Miracle!

Wannabefreak just put a reality check on me and I greatly appreciate it, wannabefreak if ever anything I can do for you hit me up. You have a Zeek do this for me free card ;)

Yeah both the docs and PT were like WT!! old as man heals like a reptile but in the end being that old man is what got me the pec tear to start with and I really need to remember that
A little over 3 months ago I suffered a serious pec tear in the gym and even partial tear of the tendon attached to the clavicle and humerus . I was not doing anything crazy but some heavy weight that I was going for 5 reps on, on rep 3 the tear happened! On June 8th I had surgery. 38 staples and stitches to close the ugly wound back up! The doctors were telling me I wouldn't get back into the gym probably for 6 months or so. In disgust I consumed several kits of hgh since june 8th in an attempt to speed up the injury healing process. yES i WAS ALREADY RUNNING HGH BUT i STARTED TO BLAST IT SOME DAYS 20IU SOME 15 OTHERS 30IU. and also with some days off from it.

Each week I went to PT the ladies would be amazed at what I could do so soon. My doctors appointments went the same way, disbelief mixed with intrigue.

Well a few days ago on my last doc visit he said don;t even come back here for at least another month and you are clear to ease back into the gym doing upper body in 2 weeks.

So basically 8 weeks or so post surgery I will be back in the gym working upper body after a major pec tear and tendon tear. The doc said i heal faster than a young child and asked if I had reptiles in my bloodline because of their ability to regenerate!! I'm a 50 year old man far from a child although I have an uncle that looks like a turtle, just sayin

I am so psyched you guys have no clue!! I was happy doing a litle legs here and there at least i could get in the gym but to think that I will be doing chest and shoulders again ( although slowly at first) is amazing to me so soon!!

I have always loved hgh and now I worship it!!

This is so money! Words of wisdom like this is why we join!
Nice man, glad to know your doing great now!...But yea, dont go heavy till you feel you re 200% repaired
I am going to do one more month of a blast phase to really get this healing finished as fast as I can guys

I'll go through about 3-4 kits in a 30 day period during my next blast phase.

There seems to be something to this blasting for healing.
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thanks for the info and warning my friend! how are you doing now bro , are you back in the gym lifting hard? Out of fear I will take it really slow and probably will not bench yet even if he does clear me to start low. It will be pushups for a long time I think. I'm paranoid about another tear, want this thing to heal well

I've attached some pictures that I just took. Remember, I had my surgery on 7 March and the injury on 19 February. I was in a sling for 4 weeks, the doctor said I didn't need to wear it after 2 weeks because my injury looked like it was healing at incredible rates. He stated that the recovery speed appeared to 10x faster than other people.

1.5 months post surgery, I pushed open a door with my damaged side (i.e. a mall door - rather thick). Then I felt the next day pain in my chest and the muscle detached / loosened from the proper position.

The doctor said there is a big difference between MT junction repairs and tendon bone repairs. Mine was a MT junction tear which is very difficult to recover and needs an incredible long time.

My training - I now weigh 111kg (but I'm tall 194cm). I hired a bodybuilder to identify which exercises I could train, namely upper body ones.

Chest - I can only push per arm 35lb x 25 reps max. I'm told to only go for a pump and nothing great than this until I reach the post 6 month mark. 40+ lbs appears to give me an itching feeling in that area, so I don't push heavier or try to.

Shoulders - I can basically do really heavy close military presses presses for front delts. No dumbbells allowed. I am very strong in the shoulders, but cannot do wider grip because it appears to use my chest for support.

Triceps - I cannot do skull crushers because it makes my chest hurt to support, even close grip presses I cannot go heavy, so just go for a pump 12-15 reps.

Back - can do all heavy rows except any over head type rows. Told not to stretch the chest area out.

Legs - no problems

As you can see in my pics, I put the normal side and the fucked up shitty side. I hope that gives you persistence not to push yourself too soon. The doctor told me you should wait 3 months before any training of the chest and shouldn't push yourself for at least 6 months.

I'm 10iu HGH since Nov 11 + I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosages for 2 months post surgery and started to up everything in the last 1.5 months, gaining a considerable amount of weight since now I can eat more.... but I still have this fucked up hole in my chest!

When I stand up normal, you can't tell I have a hole. Only when I flex, the tendon string sticks out.

Thanks for everything!
Kevin Levrone Did the same thing when he was competing...around 495 bench and it snapped the pec....He was still on the bodybuilding stage like a month later or 2 month....You can barely tell that he pulled it on youtube videos.Mainly his right side.

Take it easy with those tears....even thou you don't feel pain...better to do some type of range of motion before it happens again...Maybe some type of swimming or working out in the water using no weights.

Training around the injuries is just a better idea to increase the range of motion and increase the blood flow and scar tissues removal.

I used to have PT in College.Training in water is the ideal thing before going back into weights again.
Damn Freak I'm sorry it got torn again on you but I am confident it will heal as you are taking it easy! please keep in touch with me and keep me updated on your progress and i'll to the same!!

thx brother
Glad to hear you recovered so well. I know you know how to take it easy and get back into it slowly, so nice job.

Yeah about that 405.... ALL the people and I mean ALL the people I know who have torn pecs or tendons in their shoulers were repping 405. I would imagine there is just a physical boundry which all men are held too. I know some people can bench much much more than 500lbs ( not personally) but they also wear special shirts and whatnot. I guess strength is no infinite and we all still have limits.

I know this is kinda common sense but I just wanted to get it out there that 405 seems to be an unlucky number in my neck of the woods! Be careful guys.
man that is simply amazing Zeek! glad to hear you are healing so fast. now i am 100% convinced that i will use HGH after my upcoming Knee surgeries . it Really infuriates me that Drs do not prescribe GH or AAS that have a positive effect on healing muscles & joints to shorten the recovery times on orthopaedic surgeries. i have had 2 ACL reconstructions so far & the 2nd time i asked my dr to help me out a bit & at least refer me to a dr w/ more experience with these kinds of meds so i could cut the recovery from over a yr to maybe 6-8 months. i know the asshole had experience, he was the team DR for several sports teams in the area that i live! and we all know pros use. in the future, i will take matters into my own hands like you did! Glad to hear U are kickin ass again zeek
I am a smaller guy however I have been on a personal tear and I put up a personal best of 295 a couple 3 weeks ago and felt something painful after the set was over. It didn't bother me until chest day 1 week later and i could barely do 185. I stopped flat bench and am resigned to stick to dumbbells because they don't hurt. Go figure. Just did 100's tonight and that is also a PB for me. Point of bringing it up is that I feel great 3 weeks after. I have also been on GH for 6 weeks. I am very confident that the recovery has been shortened by GH. On the other side I am gonna stick to dumbbells instead of flat bench. I understand that you are so much more prone to rotator cuff injuries???

BTW Great Job on the recovery my elder GH Sage!!
thanks for the well wishes fellas I really do appreciate it!

The 4 plates is a common spot where guys tend to tear things. SOme younger guys I knew that were much stronger would have the same issues in the low 500's

I think part of my problem is that I am old school! in my flat bench that we always said if the bar does not touch your chest and your ass and back are not flat on the bench then it does not count!

I think the motion iof touching the chest is going below that 90 degrees and dipping lower into a weaker position on our pec muscles tendons etc, Just a guess.

I know of a lot of guys that will lift heavy but stop the bar 4 inches above their chest and then push back up, I used to lob those guys into a cheaters category but you know what, they never get hurt and me and my crew that always touched our chest have ripped pecs many times between us!

great info guys and thx Duke!

I'm new here as a result of working with 3J's for my cut. Just read you post. Killer news that the HGH worked that well with your recovery time. Would you mind telling me what type you're using?
A little over 3 months ago I suffered a serious pec tear in the gym and even partial tear of the tendon attached to the clavicle and humerus . I was not doing anything crazy but some heavy weight that I was going for 5 reps on, on rep 3 the tear happened! On June 8th I had surgery. 38 staples and stitches to close the ugly wound back up! The doctors were telling me I wouldn't get back into the gym probably for 6 months or so. In disgust I consumed several kits of hgh since june 8th in an attempt to speed up the injury healing process. yES i WAS ALREADY RUNNING HGH BUT i STARTED TO BLAST IT SOME DAYS 20IU SOME 15 OTHERS 30IU. and also with some days off from it.

Each week I went to PT the ladies would be amazed at what I could do so soon. My doctors appointments went the same way, disbelief mixed with intrigue.

Well a few days ago on my last doc visit he said don;t even come back here for at least another month and you are clear to ease back into the gym doing upper body in 2 weeks.

So basically 8 weeks or so post surgery I will be back in the gym working upper body after a major pec tear and tendon tear. The doc said i heal faster than a young child and asked if I had reptiles in my bloodline because of their ability to regenerate!! I'm a 50 year old man far from a child although I have an uncle that looks like a turtle, just sayin

I am so psyched you guys have no clue!! I was happy doing a litle legs here and there at least i could get in the gym but to think that I will be doing chest and shoulders again ( although slowly at first) is amazing to me so soon!!

I have always loved hgh and now I worship it!!

Zeek, great story, had no idea. I am 45 and had spinal surgery 1 year ago for 2 ruptured discs in my neck (C5-C7). Destroyed the discs doing weighted pull-ups in the gym. Crushed the nerve to my left arm, lost 50% of my triceps, forearm and part of left pec in 4 weeks. Lost most feeling to left hand and pain was unreal! Had the discs removed 2 months later and cadaver-bone grafts inserted (anterior discectomy with spinal fusion). Started HGH right away from my aging clinic, but only 2 U a day, every day. My recovery was also fast and the surgeon was amazed. Would have done more than 2 U (5 U was what I wanted) but the aging clinics were charging a crazy amount of money for HGH (Omnitrope). Anyway, I got full feeling back in my left hand, and about 80% of my strength back, but it may never be back to 100%. Amazed your Pec is so much better, as that type of injury also usually means less than 100% of what you were once doing for the rest of your life. My guess is that you will make it 80-90% back strengthwise (but I hope it is 100%). Had a buddy rip his pec and got surgery, to this day that side is weaker.

I'm new here as a result of working with 3J's for my cut. Just read you post. Killer news that the HGH worked that well with your recovery time. Would you mind telling me what type you're using?

Sure bro, I am current running Riptropins!

Zeek, great story, had no idea. I am 45 and had spinal surgery 1 year ago for 2 ruptured discs in my neck (C5-C7). Destroyed the discs doing weighted pull-ups in the gym. Crushed the nerve to my left arm, lost 50% of my triceps, forearm and part of left pec in 4 weeks. Lost most feeling to left hand and pain was unreal! Had the discs removed 2 months later and cadaver-bone grafts inserted (anterior discectomy with spinal fusion). Started HGH right away from my aging clinic, but only 2 U a day, every day. My recovery was also fast and the surgeon was amazed. Would have done more than 2 U (5 U was what I wanted) but the aging clinics were charging a crazy amount of money for HGH (Omnitrope). Anyway, I got full feeling back in my left hand, and about 80% of my strength back, but it may never be back to 100%. Amazed your Pec is so much better, as that type of injury also usually means less than 100% of what you were once doing for the rest of your life. My guess is that you will make it 80-90% back strengthwise (but I hope it is 100%). Had a buddy rip his pec and got surgery, to this day that side is weaker.

They are claiming my injury is 100% recoverable, the strength etc I'm going for 110%

You hang in there brother, glad to see it is doing great things for you as well Moppy!