What if I get my wife pregnant while on cycle?

Well...as far as this whole discussion goes: I certainly didn't expect to be changing poopy diapers in my 40s, but it happened. On an interesting side bite however: my wife has difficulty getting pregnant. We have, over the years spent a bloody FORTUNE on fertility treatments. We were successful with our first, about 10 years ago, and tried again unsuccessfully. We finally STOPPED treatments altogether and decided that we had "caught our limit". I started my first cycle shortly after that.....and shortly after THAT, she hit pregnant :)......musta been the juice :)
Correct me if im wrong, but I think if your on cycle isn't your fertility higher? I make sure to always wear a condom with my gal, now that im on cycle.

But what if.....what if it did come into effect of a baby. By god if I was on a Test/Deca/Dbol cycle that'd mean my sperm is super soldiers. Meaning my baby would pop out that son bitch looking like the Rock! Holy shit, time to remove condom!
wife was bugging me for another baby for over a year, on 900 test per week for nearly a month, taking dbols 50 mg ed - i blasted one good pop in her the night before i started pinning deca..

she is pregs as all can be

im 40 yrs old, fifth child..

Just hope you guys stay marrierd or child support is gonna break your ballz.
i thought she didnt like "salty sprite" ?...lol
She still doesn't, but it's easier on her than chunky salty sprite I guess. :D
halfwit ... gotta eat that pineapple mann!!!! c'mon!!! have some courtesy for your women!
Tried it and didn't work. :( There's a crazy list on the net of all the foods that are supposed to make semen more appealing, but I have yet to find one that gets her to enjoy "drinking from the fountain" so to speak. ;) I'll just have to settle for kissing her ass afterwards and letting her know it's MORE than appreciated. Yeah, vacuuming the house and doing laundry on occasion helps too. :p
have i ever told you how much i love pineapple? :)
^^^ Smart man, he catches on quick. ;)
a girl who dosent want a girl???? must be a meathead :bigok:

As the father of a little princess, you are constantly reminded the adage that with a boy you have to worry about ONE penis, have a little girl - and you have to worry about ALL the penises. I still think it's someone upstairs messing with me as I was planning on teaching my son how to trick girls into having sex with him as part of his manly education. Instead I get to teach my daughter how to punish all those men into submission without having sex with them. :p
I get to teach my daughter how to punish all those men into submission without having sex with them. :p

Correct me if im wrong, but I think if your on cycle isn't your fertility higher? I make sure to always wear a condom with my gal, now that im on cycle.

But what if.....what if it did come into effect of a baby. By god if I was on a Test/Deca/Dbol cycle that'd mean my sperm is super soldiers. Meaning my baby would pop out that son bitch looking like the Rock! Holy shit, time to remove condom!

Fertility goes down on cycle since fsh gets slammed harder than a $2 crack whore lol