What if I told you could get this for $35 bucks?

this is the greatrest board ever. best people, best sponsors, best forums, and nicole. what more could you ask for.
I can't wait for MOD feedback .......

it should be coming soon.

I sent out another sample to one of you guys........ =)

just FYI about the product

and how to take it.

1)Mix it with your protien drink or at least a banana and milk.

The product by itself tastes mildly earthy....

but if you mix it with something the taste is non existant.

2) also about serving size, if you have a protien scoop, use a full measure as one serving...thus you would take one serving twice daily.

also I don't want to take up more space here, so sorry guys

I am with you on the anti spam stuff.

so I wont keep bumping this =)

thanks again guys

breaking news =)............this is "unofficial"

but worth mentioning.

we know a competitive tri athelete who took variuos panels every three weeks or so.......she always came up negative (deficient) in some category......the deficiencies could not be amended through diet it seems...........

she was given glutamine peptides for three weeks, and at her next panel she was positive in each category...........

OK last post (scouts honor) , I had to share this with you guys =)
OMEGA'S product is the real deal. I've talked with him about this before it came to surface here. I've read many of his reports on it and I can assure you that he's a good guy who won't blow smoke up your ass.
OMEGA said:

about or more than 1/3 of it is

so if a serving is 17 grams

6-7 of that is Glutamin the rest is glutamic acid, potassium and protien

This is a peptide bonded glutamine.

which makes it very special some
evidence suggest that it is 20 times more effective than

that white refined stuff you get everywhere else.

most of the glutamine sold on the market is either super refined, or synthetic.

this is not, hence its bioavailablity is much more, and actually its the preferred way to injest the stuff.

I tried it all before, and was like "yeah sure buddy"

then I tried this stuff.......

and well .................here I am making a fool of my self sounding like a car sales man lol.....

this is just one study we have more about 3 studies for every claim we make.

this is just a medical study focusing on
just one thing


specifically the effect of GLUTAMINE PEPTIDES

the stuff that we will be sharing:40oz:

- American Family Physician, July 1989 v40 n1 p213(2)
Glutamine peptides to prevent protein loss after surgery.
Full Text: COPYRIGHT 1989 American Academy of Family Physicians

Glutamine Peptides to Prevent Protein Loss After Surgery

Conditions of catabolic stress, such as surgery, trauma or infection, lead to nitrogen loss. This loss is believed to come from muscle protein breakdown, which leads to the transport of glutamine to visceral organs, resulting in profound intramuscular glutamine depletion. Since muscle glutamine concentration strongly correlates with the rate of protein synthesis, and since glutamine is known to promote protein anabolic processes, parenteral nutrition supplementation with glutamine would likely conserve protein and promote healing. Unfortunately, glutamine is too unstable to be added directly to infusion solutions; however, this drawback can be overcome by substituting short-chain peptides, which are hydrolyzed by the body to free amino acids.

Stehle and colleagues tested the efficacy of glutamine supplementation in a study of 12 patients recovering from resection of carcinoma of the rectum or colon. Synthetic dipeptide containing alanine and glutamine was added to the parenteral nutrition of six of the patients. The other six patients, who served as a control group, received similar parenteral nutrition and supplementation with a dipeptide containing alanine and glycine. Daily nitrogen balance was calculated for each patient, and muscle biopsies were performed immediately before surgery and on the third postoperative day.

The mean daily nitrogen balance of the patients who received glutamine supplementation was significantly higher than that of patients in the control group. During the five days of the study, the patients who received glutamine lost the equivalent of 9g of protein daily compared with a loss of 23g daily in the control group. The authors estimate that supplementation with glutamine resulted in a total savings of 300g of muscle mass for each patient who received it. (Lancet, February 4, 1989, vol. 1, no. 8632, p. 231.)

Omega.. I'll meet you somewhere in the city! You can be my drug dealer...

PM me and we can work out a time and place.. and maybe that coffee you were talking about, except i dont drink coffee i can have juice! :D
Friscochick said:
Omega.. I'll meet you somewhere in the city! You can be my drug dealer...

PM me and we can work out a time and place.. and maybe that coffee you were talking about, except i dont drink coffee i can have juice! :D

:) :kiss:
last info to complete this thread

thanks guys =)

Glutamine Peptides in Layman's Terms
To understand the differences in glutamine peptides and regular glutamine, one must first obtain the knowledge of exactly what are peptides and how they are different from free form amino acids. Peptides are amino acids broken down into their smaller more digestible form using the hydrolyzation process. Only hydrolyzation can produce the smaller peptides, superior to free form amino acids and larger peptides currently found in your whey proteins that are produced NOT using the hydrolyzation method. The supplement companies make it sound difficult because there is a small amount of peptides that occur naturally, regularly commercially produced whole-protein supplements. Unfortunately, what the don't tell you is that these are the larger peptides with a high molecular weight, which is different from smaller di and tri peptides that are produced using the hydrolyzation method.
Several studies have shown that smaller peptides are better absorbed than larger peptides and regularly manufactured protein.
1. Amino acids from peptides are more readily absorbed than free-form amino acids, thus producing a greater insulin reaction.
2. Humans fed smaller peptides compared to whole-protein foods had a greater increase in amino acid levels.
3. Hydrolysated products produce greater pharmacological effects (increasing GH and insulin response).
4. OLIGOPEPTIDES are LARGER PEPTIDES, which are absorbed much SLOWER than small tri and di peptides. Supplement companies try to use the word "oligopeptides" to fool the customer
don't beahead me mods but I have to share this last info!

The Glutamine in G-Plenish is bound ina stable matrix to ALL the 8 essential amino acids,

I think this would come in handy if your cutting, coming off cycle or training your ass off =)
its just you =)

no your right, this we be it before we move the educational material elswhere to an informational site,

sorry, but this really is something worth sharing, but your right I should not take up board space that is meant for discussion.

hope your not angry but really it IS THAT SPECIAL!
Doc Banner said:
when will it be available and how can we get it?

Hi Doc B:)

Ask Biggie he will know when it will be availble

Also I am so greatfull to be associated with this site and Biggie,
he is a good guy through and through:)
Hey Wartime thanks for the consideration

about 60-65

1 heaping table spoon provides Glutamine that is bound to all 8 essentail amino acids
thus it makes the glutamine stable through out digestion, and providing the body what it needs form all the other aminos when cutting off cycle or traing very hard

the whole point of offering this product
is that it "pure L- Glutamine" is much too refined and synthetic. its just one sythetic amino acid
it does have immune boosting properties, so it has a role

but because its so refined it cannot survive the PH changes that go on through out digestion,
as an elite athlete you need something that is bioavaibale at all times, not just when it hits the stomach, thus glutamine peptides in G-plenish are broken down by the body from stomach to colon and you get a stream of the glutamine and other peptide fractions that you really need.

this a product who's time has come, and when you take it you will feel the difference.

its an antioxidant

it provides all 8 essential amino acids

it provides Glutamine bound to those amino acids

it stable in acid environments and cooking,

and its not synthetic thus you get all the other benifits associated with that,

and the price is one of the cheapest in the business, and you know why?
cus we know it works and were not out for short term profit!

it tastes mildly earthy by itself but even as Biggie said and the others who are carrying it ,

the taste is negated (not that its bad) with a minumum amount of flavored protien I would say for every 2 - 3 scoops of protien powder add a scoop of


two table spoons a day is enough for anyone to enjoy its benifits, 3 tablespoons would be the upper most limit

I am so glad to share this with only the best sites.......
its fitting really

best members best, best mods, best Sites, best owners of the Sites, best products............
Doc Banner said:
when will it be available and how can we get it?

About 2-3 weeks at our online Store.

Ya I know we missed out last deadline for the opening of the store but we had some software issues. Basically we were all ready to go about 2 weeks ago and when I ran a "test" order, I was very disappointed with the user friendliness of the shopping cart software. Since then we have switched over to a Professional Merchant account with a top-notch shopping cart and will be ready in 14-21 days.

Sorry for the delay.