what is all the commotion B.Builders taking more than 2 arimidex daily to look dry?

Mr P

Super Moderator
I've heard from some big league "BB" taking 3 or 4 plus AI a day, to have the dry look around their muscle, of course they take heavy doses of AA's, but let's say If I were to maybe take 2 AI e day at trt doses, I know I will drop to low on Estro & cause sides, but I should just try and challenge taking 2 AI e day, and see the outcome ..
Low estrogen can have negative effects on lots of things. Long term it's bad for your health and can even breakdown the things you're working for. I can see it for short times. Even a trip to the beach and wanting to look amazing. I see a write up about crashing it to possibly shrink gyno. I know for a fact estrogen levels effect brain function. We have to be aware there is more to hormones than anabolics, estrogen and our prostate. Bones and brains were constantly mentioned in my research about epileptics, anti-epileptic drugs and hormones/sexual function/health issues.

I can't say I support any drastic change in dose. The rebound can take a while. Direct from my docs mouth.

I'm upping mine because my gyno has returned. I expected it to. Rather than 1mg I'm going to 1.5mg. I've thought about trying and splitting it up and taking 1.25mg at first. 1/4 tabs split every 36 hours. I'm not going to take 1 tab Monday and 1/2 a tab Thursdays. Investigation/Experiments takes caution. I can feel the swing in my tits. Home estrogen test kit. 73% accuracy haha

I'm possibly messing up 1/2 life but I think something like 36 hours. 24 hour dosing seems in line. Daily test injections are not abnormal with short esters. EOD. Even blood levels is center of my aim.
I wouldn't go that high. You do NOT want to kill estrogen completely. You'll kill your gains and feel like shit.

If you want a dry look by use of substance instead of dieting etc. try letrozole
Has worked for me in the past. Otherwise you'll have to look at diuretics.