What is you favorite way to cut your powder AAS's


Tan Gun Tiger
I usually cut my powder Dbol and Anadrol with fructose or other sugar instead of mixing it with ethyl alcohol. Then, I simply wash it down. For example, I take 45 grams of fructose and mix it with 5 grams of Anadrol powder. This gives me 50 grams of mixed powder with 100mg of Anadrol per 1 gram of mixed powder...easy to weigh out. Any other ideas?
everclear is a lot less trouble. make um both at 100mg/ml and then meassure out proper dose with a slin pin for oral dosing. IMO
i dont use hormones for the flavor i use for the effects. lololololol

plus if you make higher concentrations you only gettin .5ml or less of the ethyl. not even enough to taste if mixed with water or juice.

its a personal choice as i dont like capping. takes too long and is messy.