What kind of labs to get before a cycle?

- Testosterone, Total
- Testosterone, Free
- Gonadotropins LH/FSH
- Sensitive E2 assay
- Complete blood counts

Preferably include:

- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
- Lipid Profile
Hey Austinite, good to hear from you. I see you around here all the time.

But what the hell? Am i going to get half a gallon of blood drawn?

Lol JK thank you for the information. I will be signing up for them shortly. I am guessing that you have to sign up for these individually?
Hey Austinite, good to hear from you. I see you around here all the time.

But what the hell? Am i going to get half a gallon of blood drawn?

Lol JK thank you for the information. I will be signing up for them shortly. I am guessing that you have to sign up for these individually?

You would have each panel selected and blood draw would require a single session. Everything mentioned is about 30 CC's of blood. Should you select a lipid profile, be sure to draw blood fasted, at least 8 to 12 hours.
Thanks you.

I also have another question as long as you are here :)

What exactly is LH/FSH? I know LH is Luteinizing Hormone and FSH is Follicle Stimulating Hormone. However, i am still confused as to what they do in the male endocrine system.

I have done some research on Google but i figured i would get your take.
Thanks you.

I also have another question as long as you are here :)

What exactly is LH/FSH? I know LH is Luteinizing Hormone and FSH is Follicle Stimulating Hormone. However, i am still confused as to what they do in the male endocrine system.

I have done some research on Google but i figured i would get your take.

LH is a hormone that is sent from your pituitary gland to the testes for the purpose of stimulating Leydig Cells into producing testosterone. FSH is a hormone that is sent from your pituitary gland to the testes for the purpose of stimulating sertoli cells alongside testosterone into sperm production.

The reason you need to know your baseline (pre cycle numbers), is so that you can run these labs again post cycle, and compare the results. This will aid in recovery verification.