Some people will debate the fact of a multi even being necessary/useful. I've personally always used them (ever since I was in high school). I don't feel any different whether I take one or not, but it's still something I do. I suppose having a comprehensive blood test that covers most of the things listed while not taking a multi for several weeks would be a good test of what you're deficient in and what you aren't.
I used to rock the Centrum performance or whatever it was. Since getting into supplements however many years back, I've used and would recommend: NOW Adam, AST Multi Pro 32X and Controlled Labs Orange Triad.
It just depends on what you're looking for. For being just one pill, Multi Pro is pretty good. Adam (if the tabs) is only 2 pills a day, whereas OT is 6 pills per serving/day. It contains a joint complex and a digestive complex (not probiotic), though.
I've always bounced around every few months, but I recently purchased 8 bottles of OT on sale so it would last me a year lol.