What now??


Prize Fighter
I'm gonna put this in here too.

May 11th I was in a bad motorcycle crash. Fucked up my right leg to the point i still don't have feeling in my shin, never br bone in 3 placeoke though. Broke my collars, had a sweet concusion, and several minor cuts, scraps and bumps.

I went from 191lbs to 160lbs in a month or so. The first 3-4 weeks I slept a lot and did basically nothing but lay still. Once I could move around and get back to somewhat normal movements I started to put back on the weight, just not so nicely!!! Now I'm about 180 lbs and look like shit!

SO my question to you all, whom I value the knowledge of tremendously, what now? I want to trim as much body fat as humanly possible and will do WHATEVER it takes!!!!