What r the worst aas for acne


New member
what is most likely gonna cause the most acne? i hear orals such as dbol are pretty bad....i know all can cause some acne but some more than others??
nylifter said:
what is most likely gonna cause the most acne? i hear orals such as dbol are pretty bad....i know all can cause some acne but some more than others??

TOTALLY Depends on the individual....for me: winny.
Exactly, it is totally a person to person thing. If you compare deca and Eq. then some say one gives them acne and the other does not.
TEST & TREN are pretty bad when it comes to producing acne, but everyone reacts differently, so it may not affect everyone the same.
It depends on the the type of AS, the dosage, the length of the cycle your body's own response to AS, etc... Almsot any AS will give me (or most peop,e for that matter) some acne if run more than 12 weeks

I once ran EQ for 12 weeks by itself at only 350 mg's per week (I think that was the dose - it was about 3 yeras ago) and I got acne on my back, chest and shoulders. It wasn't too bad, but it was noticeable enough to the point where I didn't want to wear a tank top...

D-Bol and Test is a bad combo for most as is Tren (Tren seems to take longer than Test/D-Bol to give me any kind of acne).

It's all about how Androgenic the AS is and how you as an individual respond to those Androgens.
It all depends on the certain individual & your diet. Usually Anadrol, D/ball, halotestin & of course test. I have clear skin, but i got acne when I took sustenon, anadrol, dball in my prvious cycles. never had problems with prop, Winstrol (winny) & tren.
i broke out within 2 weeks of takin 20 mg a day of dbol...i slowed the dose and then started taking alot of b5..now im clear and taking both deca and dbol with no signs of acne so far..
and i remeber some people saying Anadrol made they look like a bacteria factory.
I know you asked about AAS, but for me, it's a toss up between tren and clomid. Clomid is so bad that I don't even use it anymore just for this reason (which is too bad because it really does help a lot post cycle). Even nolva seems to cause some problems, although not nearly as bad as clomid.
I really dont think the type of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) how anything to do with it. I believe it all comes down to fluctuations in blood levels. The more they fluctuate the more acne seems to flare up. Seems like everytime I miss a shot, no matter what I am on, I get a break out. It really gets me bad after discontinueing short esters like prop or suspension.
IT depends on the propensity for oily skin which is the main cause test should be #1 because very androgenic compounds at first will amke acne lessen then flare up significantly if your not getting it on your face then you just need to keep cleaner
its funny when im on it seems like a break out on my arms or chest can happen within a few hours.... youll be clear b4 u go to bed and the next mornin youll be like wtf