What to eat before a early morning workout?


New member
I was wondering what you guys eat before a early morning workout.

I workout first thing the morning so I usually take a scoop of protein with 8 oz of skim milk half hour before a workout.

Would it be better to eat say a banana so that I have carbs for the workout?

This is of course for lifting weights. I do cardio on a empty stomach the days which I don't lift weights.
I try and get an equal amount of carbs and protein pre-workout. I try and get about 60g of each about 45 minutes prior to lifting. I would definitely save the shake till post workout get some whole foods in pre-workout
I like a slow / medium carb in my system prior and a little bit of protein.

So, I'll usuaully have 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 banana, and 3 oz chicken.

Then 45 min to an hour later I'll rage in the weight room.
I try and get an equal amount of carbs and protein pre-workout. I try and get about 60g of each about 45 minutes prior to lifting. I would definitely save the shake till post workout get some whole foods in pre-workout

thumbs up
I've been doing 8 oz of OJ and two scoops of whey protein as my pre-workout (early AM) meal. I feel good at the gym and have good energy through out the workout. Post workout meal for me is 1/2 cup oatmeal (whole oats), six egg whites (three yolks), and spinach.

3J (and anyone else) -- what would be the merits of either switching that up or making both a whole food meal? What benefits might I gain from eating the meal vs. the quick and easy protein/juice shake? I'm at a point that I'm really evaluating all of my choices, so I welcome your input.
I've been doing 8 oz of OJ and two scoops of whey protein as my pre-workout (early AM) meal. I feel good at the gym and have good energy through out the workout. Post workout meal for me is 1/2 cup oatmeal (whole oats), six egg whites (three yolks), and spinach.

3J (and anyone else) -- what would be the merits of either switching that up or making both a whole food meal? What benefits might I gain from eating the meal vs. the quick and easy protein/juice shake? I'm at a point that I'm really evaluating all of my choices, so I welcome your input.

your not going to play hopscotch with ur kid sister.. your going to lift.. your body will need its nutrients.. oj and a pro shake, especially just the oj part will never live up to complex carb and a good faster absorbing food.. eggs come to mind...
Okay thanks. I'll try eating a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with a scoop of whey before my workout tomorrow, and then workout 45 minutes after.