What to expect of HGH?Am i ready?


National Champion
There is a lot of random and mostly medical stuff about human growth hormone out there, and i dont know what to believe.
I am 22 years old , national champion in the bodybuilding classic category and do some personal training for a living, i have tried 4 cycles so far (very mild stuff with good pcts) including test ,equi, win , dbol and once tren(250mgs/week).
I am 242 LBS 6.3" 12% fat. My genetics are really good i have broad shoulders , very narrow waist , and massive leggs/calves.I have been seriously thinking of pursuing a career in bodybuilding , and i would like to know more about HGH.
1)So , what should i expect of HGH ?
2) How soon will the fat burning effect appear?
3) how long should a cycle be run (min max)?
4)i dont have much vascularity in my dna, i wonder what will hgh do for that.
5)Is the fat burning effect topical , regarding the pin sites? i hear you rotate your pin sites , and pin where you store fat , is that true?
6)what muscle gains should i expect on a 4.500 calorie quality diet?
7) what effect will a HGH cycle (maybe with t3) have on my hormones? does it alter testosterone or estrogen levels? does it worsen gyno? any need of PCT ?
8) what kind of tests should i run in order to check if i can actually jump into HGH cycle? ( cancerwise)
please drop some light! thanks
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Your 22 years old , save your money you don't need it now.

you can tell that to the pros on the stage . you can tell that to a student that wants juice to f uck girls.
you cant tell that to a man that wants to build a bright career. it is your opinion i respect it.
if you have useful info about what im asking , you are welcome to answer them . thanks
you can tell that to the pros on the stage . you can tell that to a student that wants juice to f uck girls.
you cant tell that to a man that wants to build a bright career. it is your opinion i respect it.
if you have useful info about what im asking , you are welcome to answer them . thanks

I went back and read all your questions, and when my Crystal Ball arrives I will consult it and answer each of your questions using its mystic powers.
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Pepetides would work just as well at your age. And you'll have none of the negative side effects of gh. At your age all you'll receive is extra fat burning most likely. If you're interested more in bulking are trying to add lasting gains from cell multiplication then you could use igf1-lr3 during a bulk. I've never read it effects estrogen at all, I do know it can slightly increase test (in older guys) 30+ you can't get gyno from hgh. You must run hgh 3-6 months to get any real results. Honestly igf1-lr3 or pepetides are probably the way to go for your age brother and they're cheaper too.
Pepetides would work just as well at your age. And you'll have none of the negative side effects of gh. At your age all you'll receive is extra fat burning most likely. If you're interested more in bulking are trying to add lasting gains from cell multiplication then you could use igf1-lr3 during a bulk. I've never read it effects estrogen at all, I do know it can slightly increase test (in older guys) 30+ you can't get gyno from hgh. You must run hgh 3-6 months to get any real results. Honestly igf1-lr3 or pepetides are probably the way to go for your age brother and they're cheaper too.

very decent and very helpful your comment was. How would you compare the effect of igf1-lr3 or peptides compared to a GH cycle? i read up about peptides and there is much talk about a wondrous drug called CJC-1295 . Should i stack anything to get the results i need? my purpose is to get shredded while adding 6-8 LBS of muscle in a 3month period.
please provide me some more info about peptides mate. and where exactly do you buy these? ( i read its hard to get scammed because they are legal ? )

what about CJC-1295 + Ghrp-6 stack? dosage? price? how many weeks should i go ?
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Ghrp2 with cjc1295 will yield the best results without increased hunger. You can use ghrp6 with the cjc1295 but the 6 will cause extreme hungar. 2 is also better for fat loss if your diet is good just go with 2. Which ever combo you choose 100mcg of both administered at the same time 3-5 times a day 3 hours apart. Igf is stronger then hgh and will give the best bulk reaction. You can use igf and peptides and the same time and the peptides keep your body more responsive to the igf making it work better. I'll pm you where I buy from they are g2g
Ghrp2 with cjc1295 will yield the best results without increased hunger. You can use ghrp6 with the cjc1295 but the 6 will cause extreme hungar. 2 is also better for fat loss if your diet is good just go with 2. Which ever combo you choose 100mcg of both administered at the same time 3-5 times a day 3 hours apart. Igf is stronger then hgh and will give the best bulk reaction. You can use igf and peptides and the same time and the peptides keep your body more responsive to the igf making it work better. I'll pm you where I buy from they are g2g

GHRP 2 OR GHRP 6 ,STACKED WITH cjc1295 And maybe a fat burner like clen or t3. what results should i expect? vascularity? very interested on fat loss. what about lean mass gain? how long should i run them ?
3x a day SUBQ injections, at 300mgc each?