What would you need/should avoid to try and achieve that Golden age '70s look?


New member
Taking for granted you would need amazing genetics and years of hard work,what stuff do you think you should rely on to try and achieve the '70s bodybuilders look?
And what should you avoid?
What kind of drugs did they take back then?

I noticed even fitness models nowaydays look different (and they pretty much all look identical too), they are more "3D" and plastic made looking etc.
What do you think changes the game in terms of drugs?

sorry for the bad englando
I don't know a lot about the whole bodybuilding scene, but I do know that the guys in this day and age have a ton more drugs at their disposal. I don't think there was quite as much out there 40+ years ago. I also think guys these days are taking a lot more of the stuff too.

I mean, everyone has seen the side by side comparison of Jay Cutler and Arnold. The difference isn't just from genetics.
Seems like folks(bodybuilding and physique) in general have a percentage or 2 less bodyfat than 70s era bodybuilders

That's very true, 'standards' are leaner both for competition and photo-shoots now it seems.

In the old days they used a lot of primobolan, some test, deca and dbol...they didn't have as ready access to AIs or SERMs so they were purportedly more cautious when it came to aromatizing compounds.

Growth was (much) harder to come by and hardly anyone (if anyone) was using insulin for BB purposes back then.

Tren and mast are newer on the scene (though some say they were there in the 70s / 80s) and very likely contribute a lot to the harder + more vascular/grainy look today's BBs and MPD guys have
I personally think today's bodybuilders train less than the old timers of the '70's. Not sure if lazy is the word, or today's plethora of compounds give today's bodybuilder the option to train less and rely on the drugs more.
Personally, I like the physiques of the 70's and 80's more than the freak show we have today. We can only speculate what compounds and doses they used, but suffice it to say it was less than what is normally used today. With the biggest differences being hgh and insulin
hardly anyone (if anyone) was using insulin for BB purposes back then.

this stands out to me^

all of the sudden dorian became the shadow and everyone blew up, I suspect insulin might have something to do with it. They had access to most things we do today other than insulin (or at least they didn't know how to use it then.) Just speculation obviously, but I would steer clear of insulin or experiment and see if takes you further or closer to your goals...
I don't know how true this is, but there is also talk of pro's having access to REAL myostatin inhibitors.
I don't know how true this is, but there is also talk of pro's having access to REAL myostatin inhibitors.

I was thinking something similar just by looking at ramy, but didn't know people were actually talking about this. I was thinking he was doing gene doping or something. Kinda looks like this belgian blue bull...
