whats the new M1T

cant get BIG

New member
im trying to find out what new supps are comparable to M1t. i havent been fucking around with anything or reading up so would like to get some recent product info.

well if you want to call superdrol a supplement, its illegal now just like M1T. Ive never tried M1T, but i have friends who have done both..and they said SD was better with less sides? But then i hear its the other way around. Either way...both very similar
I've heard really promising things about Matserdrol from Legal Gear. Stuff is discontinued but you still can find it online. Buy it quick
A lot of the people at my gym like Gaspari's Halodrol. Dunno if you can still get it or not...we have a few boxes left, but I think that's all we can sell now.

Alot of people do sell halodrol.. Rather pricey on my list but I wouldn't mind trying.
Alot of sides tho. And its now banned... So the prices are sky high.
Here’s my 2 cents plus another 3. I’ve tried Masterdrol and gained about 5 solid pounds after post cycle therapy (pct). I still have an unopened bottle and about a third of the first one. Paid about 40 bucks each for them. Having a few cycles under my belt, I got exactly what I thought I would out of this stuff. I’m not a fan of oral cycles, but at that point options were slim. I believe there is some liver support in these pills (don’t have the label with me) but I still supplemented like I would any other cycle. post cycle therapy (pct) was clomid, and it started the day after my last dosage for 3 weeks with no problems. Had to up my water intake by about a half gallon because I noticed urine was darker than usual and felt lethargic at a few points but that was about it. What sucks is that I didn’t keep a journal to share with you guys.
My thoughts on the "PH" supps has changed over the past year. I had done a few M1T/4AD cycles and a longer MOHN cycle....each with decent results. In fact, I still have a huge stash that I built up before the ban.

I have been working out since I was 15 and didn't really know what I was doing until I hit about 20. I am 34 now and have seen myself go from 165lbs in high school to 225 when I was 24 years old (ALL NATURAL). I am 34 now and am a very lean 210lbs. I have friends who have juiced and their results absolutely blew away any results I experienced when doing a "PH" cycle (all in the past 3 years).

The bottom line is that when doing a PH cycle, you really need to follow the same protocols as you would if you were juicing (clean diet, no booze, etc, etc). Then, you still need to do proper post cycle therapy (pct) after the PH cycle....same as if you juice.

With all things considered, I would much rather use the real stuff and juice than waste my time with all these new PH products that are touted to be the same as real testosterone or steroids. My experience with them is that the preparation and the subsequent results are simply not worth it.

If anybody has experienced real "steroid" like gains with PH products, I would love to see exactly what you used. Otherwise, I would rather get my hands on some Sustonon and make some real gains :)


dark_venom said:
Speaking from experience Gumbo, there is nothing better than test, that stuff isn't even close.

Bingo....that is exactly what my juicing buddies tell me.
