what's up everyone-loving the board


New member
So I posted one of these during the server swap and it got lost so I'll do another. I've never cycled before but I'm planning on it for later in the summer once I hit my 15% body fat mark. I'm sitting at around 17 now so it won't be long. I work offshore on a drilling rig, we're in south America right now and I usually pull 21 or 28 day rotations with equal time off.

I'm 29, 30 in august. I'm 6'1" 200 lbs and training using powerlifting principles in hopes of competing within the next 2 years. Right now I'm maxing with 280 on the bench, 390 on deads, and 355 on squats. I know I have a long way to go, the 5 surgeries on my right knee haven't helped....but then again neither did drinking away my mid 20s, so no excuses. I've been training seriously for about 3 years, the first 2 focused on losing 50 lbs which I did, and the last year I've focused on strength training. I've recently incorporated speed training into my routine and hopefully this approach will have me competition worthy within my goal time frame.

I can't stop reading this board, it's a treasure trove of information and I sincerely appreciate all the time and effort that's put in to educating beginning lifters on the right ways to approach this lifestyle. Looking forward to getting to know yall and reppin strong for the north Texas folks. I may be able to upload some pics before long, just to give you guys a laugh. Thanks for reading.
Competing in powerlifting with a post-op knee? Oooh, you're brave. I tried to see if I could still do a decent deadlift, and after only hitting 495 twice - I knew I was done as my knees (both have been operated on) just weren't having it.

Either way, I do wish you the best, and welcome to ology. :)
Yeah its risky. competing in the squat will probably never happen, but I've been able to deadlift without any significant pains, outside of what deadlift usually causes, lol. Well see how it goes, that's my goal, I know without a goal my training has no purpose, so I'll go as far as I can.