whats up with this Fina??


New member
Ive made winstrol, test, and fina a hundred times and never had this happen! I recrystalized it so the binders should be totally gone. I had to use millipore syringe filters and went through like 4 to make a 50cc 75mg per CC bottle. Used 2ml BA and 4ml BB. The batch was totally cloudy so I heated it up in a pan and it got crystal clear. Then when it cooled it was totally cloudy again. Now it has been sitting for a couple days and there is a white sediment on the bottom and the solution is clearing up??? Do I need to add more solvent?? Should I let it all settle draw off as much clear oil as I can, filter it through some whatmans this time and then try to filter the other stuff after adding another CC of BA (to make sure it isnt hormone falling out of suspension)???
Odd, havent really heard of this happening after filtering. It could be falling out of solution, but those solvent ratios arent super low. I dunno man, what does the sediment look like? Is it clearly crystaline?
DougoeFre5h said:
Odd, havent really heard of this happening after filtering. It could be falling out of solution, but those solvent ratios arent super low. I dunno man, what does the sediment look like? Is it clearly crystaline?
looks very similiar to winstrol when it is just seperating from the water. Not really compacted yet. The Fina crystals are usually a orangish color and this is pretty white??? I thought the solvent ratio was pretty high given the mg/cc
I would decant, filter, heat, and add a CC of BA. I think it's falling out of suspension like you mentioned...
The_Chemist said:
I would decant, filter, heat, and add a CC of BA. I think it's falling out of suspension like you mentioned...
I added .5cc of BA and 1cc BB and reheated. It got perfectly clear. As it is cooling it is getting cloudy again from the bottom up. Maybe it is just a cloudy batch?? Maybe the powder was moist?? If it was moist powder why would it become totally clear with heat and then immediately become cloudy upon cooling??
Thompson31580 said:
I added .5cc of BA and 1cc BB and reheated. It got perfectly clear. As it is cooling it is getting cloudy again from the bottom up. Maybe it is just a cloudy batch?? Maybe the powder was moist?? If it was moist powder why would it become totally clear with heat and then immediately become cloudy upon cooling??
This happened to me once with raw tren ace powder...is everything sticking to the bottom or is it re-crystalized all over the place? I heated, re-filtered and used mine and it was fine, although there was always a little bit stuck to the bottom unless I held it under some really hot water for a couple minutes.
Its doing the same thing. There is stuff on the bottom and some suspended in it. When my whatmans come in I will reheat and refilter. Other than that Im at a loss. I did the exact same thing on this batch as Ive always done.