When shit hits the fan............

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A lot of corruption is plaguing the world these days and sometimes, aside from all the security measures, survivalist, and gtfo dodge thoughts.. I wonder about TRT.

I've come to the realization that if things went apokalyptic it would be inevitable, I would eventually have to come off as even the best stockpile would run out due to shelf-life or just the general use of product.

But, I've wondered if anyone has made a plan for this.. an E-pack of recovery meds (HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex) in hopes of one last possible restart? Or, has anyone thought to stockpile a little Test undecanoate?

I would like to emphasize here that this isn't me disregarding the truly important things like having a plan of action, transportation, food, tools, fire, water, shelter, clothing, and weapons all ready to go! This is me thinking WAYYYY ahead about the possibilities of being on TRT or having to deal with being low in a very stressful time of life.

Any like-minded individuals on here? Shoot some shit with me! :)
I to have thought about that. Simply put in my oppinion we will be fucked once all the testosterone expires. Only way to do anything about it would be to learn how they actually make testosterone find a old lab were they made it and hire some profesionals to start the process again. Pay the profesionals with food, security, shelter, and clean water. If that didn't work I guess low testosterone in the apocalypse is better than cancer. Super low testosterone sucks but at least it's not a death sentence.
I to have thought about that. Simply put in my oppinion we will be fucked once all the testosterone expires. Only way to do anything about it would be to learn how they actually make testosterone find a old lab were they made it and hire some profesionals to start the process again. Pay the profesionals with food, security, shelter, and clean water. If that didn't work I guess low testosterone in the apocalypse is better than cancer. Super low testosterone sucks but at least it's not a death sentence.

Very nice! A mod with similar thoughts.

I've thought.. okay, maybe raid pharmacies? Too dangerous.. but even if I got 100 vials.. they will expire eventually! Raid animal hospitals? Same scenario..

But, then how long does it take for clomid to expire? Pill form..

HCG has a decent shelf life, but after mixed will expire quickly in relevant time.

I will likely just use TRT as long as I can, and then attempt a very heavy restart.. if it doesn't work.. oh well. Perhaps the end of days will only be a year or two and I'll never truly suffer.

Banking on a late-game restart, and the apokalypse only lasting 3-4 years at most. I can keep 5yrs worth of TRT in a gun safe or something.


Here's a cool thought..

Tren was designed to create more output, with less input right? More muscle, strength, etc. with less food? Or, increases the efficiency of our bodies using the food..

Perhaps, whilst running the TRT, Tren would be good to add in low dose, or even deca for it's values.. to enhance ourselves in times of great stress, and to keep us going on little food.

I'm fortunate enough to be prescribed Test Undecanoate by my UK doc.... love the stuff (and the lack of pins it requires)...

My doctor recommended dose is 1000mg/4ml every 4 weeks which obviously equates to 250mg each week.

I know I could 'exist' on half that (but who just wants to exist right!?)

I have 1 years worth of Test Undecanoate piled up nicely in my gear cupboard now, which would provide 2 years of 'existence' should the shit hit the fan.

I figured this would be ample time to find a plan B should that hideous scenario ever arise!

HCG and AI's wouldn't be a necessity in this scenario.
I'm fortunate enough to be prescribed Test Undecanoate by my UK doc.... love the stuff (and the lack of pins it requires)...

My doctor recommended dose is 1000mg/4ml every 4 weeks which obviously equates to 250mg each week.

I know I could 'exist' on half that (but who just wants to exist right!?)

I have 1 years worth of Test Undecanoate piled up nicely in my gear cupboard now, which would provide 2 years of 'existence' should the shit hit the fan.

I figured this would be ample time to find a plan B should that hideous scenario ever arise!

HCG and AI's wouldn't be a necessity in this scenario.

Very nice, do you do 1mL per injection site? Say, L/R Delt 1mL a piece, L/R Quad 1mL a piece, all at once? Then equates to the same as 250mg of Cypionate per week?
When I'm cruising, I'll do one glute injection a fortnight (2 weeks) of 500mg/2ml - Undecanoate never gives me estrogen issues as it's such a slow release ester.

When I blast, I switch to UGL Test E and mix this with other compounds, depends what I'm running. This means I can run a standard cycle and tweak test doses easier.
Obviously I will up my AI and HCG as necessary.

This system enables me to stockpile my Undecanoate for your aforementioned scenario - but it also gives me the option of running what I call a 'mini-blast'.

Where I'll simply double up my TRT dose of pharma Test and feel like a million dollars for a while!
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When I'm cruising, I'll do one glute injection a fortnight of 500mg/2ml - Undecanoate never gives me estrogen issues as it's such a slow release ester.

When I blast, I switch to UGL Test E and mix this with other compounds, depends what I'm running. This means I can run a standard cycle and tweak test doses easier.
Obviously I will up my AI and HCG as necessary.

This system enables me to stockpile my Undecanoate for your aforementioned scenario - but it also gives me the option of running what I call a 'mini-blast'.

Where I'll simply double up my TRT dose of pharma Test and feel like a million dollars for a while!

A fort night is two weeks? lol Without Google, I am nothing!

Great info by the way, Thank you for your input :)
I've got over a years worth of test C and deca in my gun safe, right next to my AR! I feel like it's just as important as any of my weapons and I'm not really worried about an AI when the apocalypse starts but I do have it. HCG...who cares if my balls are small and the world is ending, they won't stick to my leg as much when I can't take a shower for weeks at a time.

I figure if the world ends, I'm gonna load up my shit and go find Bronson in the woods, pretty sure that ending would be pretty epic...
i always got 1-2yrs worth of hrt dose test. just in case. at worst il figure it out after that.
but i have high hopes for humanity. sure some will fall and there will be death on the transition, polar effect, but in the end i think the new era coming with be the best one yet. after the bs is sorted out and some places fall (not necessarily all bad ones either sadly) some places will get worse, some better. the worse will get much worse, but globally i see it getting better, even if it comes down to greed for many sadly, . anyway i can go on and on and expand but ....
have a year or two stocked up. if you need more than that then its least of your worries IMO
I always keep a stockpile of Test!! I honestly dont ever think or worry about such a situation arising. Could it happen? Possibly. But, I have my life to live and isses I need to worry about and resolve and also things to enjoy so i dont waste my time thinking about stuff like that.....stuff that may or may not happen.
Test Undecanoate is rapidly becoming the 'go-to' drug of choice in the UK for TRT....

The benefits are that you don't have to pin as often, you just pin a bigger dose which releases ridiculously slowly within the body.
I know of some people who inject just once every 8 weeks, and their estrogen levels hardly fluctuate in that time.

The downside is that it take a heck of a long time to get dialed in, I was almost 18 months going backwards and forwards to the TRT doc, giving regular bloods etc

But in comparison to Sustanon - which I was prescribed before Undecanoate - I feel 100 times better.

NB: Undecanoate is also a good option for anyone who wants to keep their Test levels high whilst vacationing for a few weeks and don't want to take pins, vials etc with them :)
I am looking into test decanoate for trt as it is mad cheap and i would pin every 2 weeks. I think undecanoate has no benefit over decanoate because if you pin every 4 weeks, who wants to take 3ml or 4ml shot? It is less frequent but consumes more time, more pain etc

and i could make my own decanoate at 300mg or 350mg/ml haha that would be epic. 1ml every 2 weeks and done
who wants to take 3ml or 4ml shot?


Most people who cycle a few compounds take that amount of oil regularly.

As for TRT, I'm more than happy jabbing 4ml once every 4 weeks - it is no hardship whatsoever!

One thing you need to be aware of though. The undecanoate oil is gloopy thick, you really will struggle to self-inject, as it needs to be done VERY slowly.
My wife administers my injections for me, and once the injection is finished her hand is sore from the pressure.
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A lot of corruption is plaguing the world these days and sometimes, aside from all the security measures, survivalist, and gtfo dodge thoughts.. I wonder about TRT.

I've come to the realization that if things went apokalyptic it would be inevitable, I would eventually have to come off as even the best stockpile would run out due to shelf-life or just the general use of product.

But, I've wondered if anyone has made a plan for this.. an E-pack of recovery meds (HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex) in hopes of one last possible restart? Or, has anyone thought to stockpile a little Test undecanoate?

I would like to emphasize here that this isn't me disregarding the truly important things like having a plan of action, transportation, food, tools, fire, water, shelter, clothing, and weapons all ready to go! This is me thinking WAYYYY ahead about the possibilities of being on TRT or having to deal with being low in a very stressful time of life.

Any like-minded individuals on here? Shoot some shit with me! :)

dude, when the shit hits the fan how good your body looks aint going to mean jack as your running for your life trying to stay alive.
Trt is not like diabetes or something where your gonna need a life long supply of insulin to stay alive.
Were you alive and well before injecting exogenous testosterone for the first time , yeah.. No biggy if you don't have it. You'll be fine .

I have low T , was 166 total t when diagnosed and have been on trt for years.. Had an accident awhile back and had an emergency surgery,, I didn't inject T for months , I lived , I was fine (optimal no, but fine yes).

As an avid survivalist and stock piler of gear, testosterone is not on my list. Your better of with anti biotics and penicillin in yiur med kit then wasting the space with AAS
Trt is not like diabetes or something where your gonna need a life long supply of insulin to stay alive.
Were you alive and well before injecting exogenous testosterone for the first time , yeah.. No biggy if you don't have it. You'll be fine .

I have low T , was 166 total t when diagnosed and have been on trt for years.. Had an accident awhile back and had an emergency surgery,, I didn't inject T for months , I lived , I was fine (optimal no, but fine yes).

As an avid survivalist and stock piler of gear, testosterone is not on my list. Your better of with anti biotics and penicillin in yiur med kit then wasting the space with AAS

Pretty sure that my natural testosterone in a post-apocalyptic world would be a death sentence. Yes, my insulin needs would take precedence (or I'd go strict carnivore/cannibal as people/animals have no carbs), but I would most definitely be hitting up a few pharmacies.

Low T will kill you - just a hell of a lot slower than high blood sugar. :p

I'm not terribly worried though; there's no money or true power in allowing the world to go completely anarchic - so it won't happen. After all, the billionaires need more toys to keep them entertained. :p
To those that say : I have better things to worry about than things that may or may not happen.. I hear you, and I can understand not "stressing", but not giving it thought at all is reckless.

We all the the instinct to live, or the need to live and to protect our families lives. It will be obvious if you're drowning or in a burning house.. we are equipped with the tools to get out of those situations naturally.. hold your breath and swim up fast, hold your breath and gtfo of that house..

If we have an invasion.. as an example.. are you naturally equipped with the tools to get to a safe house when you have 5-10-20 enemies after you and your family? Or will it be at that point you decide it's not worth protecting you and your families lives?

I just want to separate the paranoia, from the being prepared argument.. just have a god damn handgun and AR ready to roll when something goes down. We can naturally carry out almost everything else needed to survive.

Like I said in my first post.. the whole TRT thing is well beyond the survival thoughts, it won't be the first thing I'm grabbing as I pack up to leave, but it sure as hell won't be something I'll feel good about not having. Is it really that outrageous to set back 10 vials of test? That's hundreds... most guns and ammunition shadow that by thousands!
Trt is not like diabetes or something where your gonna need a life long supply of insulin to stay alive.
Were you alive and well before injecting exogenous testosterone for the first time , yeah.. No biggy if you don't have it. You'll be fine .

I have low T , was 166 total t when diagnosed and have been on trt for years.. Had an accident awhile back and had an emergency surgery,, I didn't inject T for months , I lived , I was fine (optimal no, but fine yes).

As an avid survivalist and stock piler of gear, testosterone is not on my list. Your better of with anti biotics and penicillin in yiur med kit then wasting the space with AAS

If you got a deuce and a half.. stockpiling anything is possible :)

Sorry but if I keep 10 vials of Test on deck, and I'm packing other gear to leave.. I'm dumping my drawer of gear, pins, etc., right into my duffel's pocket. You don't have to prioritize starting a fire over pinning your test.. once settled it will be in your pack r2g
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