When shit hits the fan............

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You know another interesting topic to discuss in the same realm..

Population growth, The effect it has on a countries sustainability, how we maintain, and who's killing us in terms of this rating.

It takes a country maintaining a pop. growth of about 1.2 children per Mom/Dad to sustain economy, tech, innovation, relevancy (super powerness).

Countries like Italy and France are a great example of those who are far behind in pop. growth, and their dwindling.

A very powerful tool in regards to sustaining with a bad growth rate is immigration. It's how the U.S. is able to sustain without having shit loads of children born on the inside.

Many countries allow inmigration. And this is where we can all as a world be taken advantage of.

Muslims have a growth rate of 10. Compared to a 1.2.. that's 8.8 more children produced per household than most sustaining nations. All of which will be under the same belief system (religion). After 10,000 or so immigrate into a small country, it doesn't take long for there to be significant overgrowth to occur, large cities to be under religious law.. and then eventually surrounding areas being under constant attack. The end game being complete control of everything. As radicals generally imbed themselves in the upbringing and kill off anyone who does not succumb to their religion.

If you live in Europe, and your country is low pop growth.. but has reasonable power still, I would be looking to move elsewhere. France is already under Sharia Law in certain areas. It wasn't that surprising they got attacked to be honest..

Man, you really love picking volatile topics, don't you?

FYI: Population growth is inversely proportionate to the GDP of a country, with few exceptions (oil countries). Technological innovation and having valuable intrinsic resources are still what determine the value. As this used to greatly depend on individuals, growth in population was a marker, but this is no longer the case.

I'm sure there are some business majors in here that can explain it better than I can, but that's the gist of it.

Oh, and as a person without a religious preference (I view them all as the same thing), I find it tragic and hilarious that killing other human beings still occurs over this belief of "my God is better than yours!"
Man, you really love picking volatile topics, don't you?

FYI: Population growth is inversely proportionate to the GDP of a country, with few exceptions (oil countries). Technological innovation and having valuable intrinsic resources are still what determine the value. As this used to greatly depend on individuals, growth in population was a marker, but this is no longer the case.

I'm sure there are some business majors in here that can explain it better than I can, but that's the gist of it.

Oh, and as a person without a religious preference (I view them all as the same thing), I find it tragic and hilarious that killing other human beings still occurs over this belief of "my God is better than yours!"

Somebody has to speak of it.

Thank your for your input. I think I get the general thought behind it.

I don't have a religious preference either actually. Something doesn't come from nothing.. but, we have no real proof of any one entity that did create us. Faith is a pipe dream :D

Sorry, opening another can of worms.

It is wrong what is happening today. They're using religion as a tool of destruction.. Taking words in a book so literally as to murder innocent men in cold blood. Taking advantage of countries tolerances for religion in society. It is tragic. It is humorous that people are still that brain washed. But, it's a bit frightening too.. I don't live in fear, but the thought crosses my mind enough to keep me aware.. the what if stuff..
What if all of this is just Tren paranoia? *head explodes*

Like maybe I just haven't noticed it coming on.. lol

Little sweaty, little acne, and a little paranoia.. this stuff is a breeze :D
What if all of this is just Tren paranoia? *head explodes*

Like maybe I just haven't noticed it coming on.. lol

Little sweaty, little acne, and a little paranoia.. this stuff is a breeze :D

I'm not worried about the guns, religious zealots or even a zombie apocalypse while on tren - it's the goddamn 17 year olds that look 25! Yeeeowwzah! :nono:
I'm pretty sure if this situation were to arise, testosterone injections would be the least of your worries. But yes, I have thought about this before.
Maybe a good thing that one of those things is actually banned and illegal to own then

The one that doesnt actually kill people....accidentally or on purpose....makes sense.........

Like I said, I have no problem with guns. Lots of people love hunting, sport shooting, all that good stuff. And I realize its not gun that kill people, its people that kill people. But, to have guns an ammo because you fear there will be an invasion of the land (which if that does happen I can guarantee there will be jack shit you or anyone else will be able to do about it), or because its your right/Im allowed to, or just to say I have a gun is ignorant. Being patriotic is a good thing, being ignorant is not, and a gun should make you who you are or speak for you. I think people are too paranoid nowadays and spend too much time thinking. What if this....or what if that, I need a gun in case theres an apocalypse......who the fuck cares!!!! Its like people spending there whole lives worrying about where theyre going to go when they die they never actually live, its ridiculous.

The media and powers that be in this world has the population brainwashed, and on puppet strings. No one actually questions anything. They are told things and follow those things they are told, even if they are coming from a person who has no idea what the fuck theyre talking about.
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I am so glad BB is man enuff and mature enuff not not have allowed some UNESECARY comments bother him personally; that could have and maybe should have resulted in a vehement response justifiably countered with 1 threat level higher lol.

I m also glad we re all educated and civilized enough to go through our varying opinions based on life experience, the culture we either grow up in or CHOOSE to live in and not hate on the other member due to an opposite view.

Being a CONFUSED Catholic I ll be first to admit that my view of my god does not endorse killing in the name...his name..anyones name as part of a religion.
Spanish Inquisition comes to mind.

AND--in the Koran the definition of Jihad begins with a persons inner struggle. Accepting another's right to have their own belief system is integral. As long as it does not infringe upon another's safety , or anothers ability to provide for his family, we re not "done yet" in being true Christian s Muslims etc.

Religion, organized ..to me is software. I prefer Windows Excel etc. But I m old.

Our media is almost as guilty as the radical Mullah's preaching hate, violence to a population mostly devoid of access to either international news and or education. Sadly some kids primary education has "hate the west" inherent in it s basic core curriculum. Both are pushing intolerance through twisting religion or using an alarmist agenda s to galvanize the "not knowing" into ignorant thoughts and/or actions.

Let s agree to disagree. Let s not call each other names. Let s not mock each other.

Let s run the shit out of some gear safely and help each other learn about how or why we look like we do and where we want to be in a few years.

Me. At 51. I m good.
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The one that doesnt actually kill people....accidentally or on purpose....makes sense.........

Like I said, I have no problem with guns. Lots of people love hunting, sport shooting, all that good stuff. And I realize its not gun that kill people, its people that kill people. But, to have guns an ammo because you fear there will be an invasion of the land (which if that does happen I can guarantee there will be jack shit you or anyone else will be able to do about it), or because its your right/Im allowed to, or just to say I have a gun is ignorant. Being patriotic is a good thing, being ignorant is not, and a gun should make you who you are or speak for you. I think people are too paranoid nowadays and spend too much time thinking. What if this....or what if that, I need a gun in case theres an apocalypse......who the fuck cares!!!! Its like people spending there whole lives worrying about where theyre going to go when they die they never actually live, its ridiculous.

The media and powers that be in this world has the population brainwashed, and on puppet strings. No one actually questions anything. They are told things and follow those things they are told, even if they are coming from a person who has no idea what the fuck theyre talking about.

I have guns so I have a chance at living longer if it comes to down to it. Me or them, me everytime. If someone knocks on my car window, door, approaches me or my family in public.. I'll be ready, whether I need to be or not.. that's not paranoid and certainly not ignorant.. thats prepared for the worst. An invasion is unlikely, a solar flare outage is unlikely, emp attack unlikely.. but if it happened resources will be worth killing over and I'll have enough to need a gun to protect. People change when there is great stress, and lives are at stake..

I'm a rather optimistic person, and have always believed that generally people are good but, there are bad people and sometimes under certain conditions people can flip from good to bad. I'll let my Ruger rule it out if it needs to. I don't look for trouble, or cause any.

I respect your opinion Schred, though I think your mind will run wild when your body requires x amount of calories a day and you can't feasibly obtain more than 500 without a gun..

Good luck to all who are prepared and those who are not. I don't really care if people are for or against guns, I've got mine.. not going to fight the issue anymore.
I am so glad BB is man enuff and mature enuff not not have allowed some UNESECARY comments bother him personally; that could have and maybe should have resulted in a vehement response justifiably countered with 1 threat level higher lol.

I m also glad we re all educated and civilized enough to go through our varying opinions based on life experience, the culture we either grow up in or CHOOSE to live in and not hate on the other member due to an opposite view.

Being a CONFUSED Catholic I ll be first to admit that my view of my god does not endorse killing in the name...his name..anyones name as part of a religion.
Spanish Inquisition comes to mind.

AND--in the Koran the definition of Jihad begins with a persons inner struggle. Accepting another's right to have their own belief system is integral. As long as it does not infringe upon another's safety , or anothers ability to provide for his family, we re not "done yet" in being true Christian s Muslims etc.

Religion, organized ..to me is software. I prefer Windows Excel etc. But I m old.

Our media is almost as guilty as the radical Mullah's preaching hate, violence to a population mostly devoid of access to either international news and or education. Sadly some kids primary education has "hate the west" inherent in it s basic core curriculum. Both are pushing intolerance through twisting religion or using an alarmist agenda s to galvanize the "not knowing" into ignorant thoughts and/or actions.

Let s agree to disagree. Let s not call each other names. Let s not mock each other.

Let s run the shit out of some gear safely and help each other learn about how or why we look like we do and where we want to be in a few years.

Me. At 51. I m good.

Well put.

I started this thread to discuss TRT in an end of days scenario.. or long time away from normalcy.

We took many routes, and I think it was all generally handled respectfully. Nice talk :D
Like I said, I have no problem with guns. Lots of people love hunting, sport shooting, all that good stuff. And I realize its not gun that kill people, its people that kill people. But, to have guns an ammo because you fear there will be an invasion of the land (which if that does happen I can guarantee there will be jack shit you or anyone else will be able to do about it).

History would prove otherwise.. ever hear of the American Revolution? It was land owning men with Guns that saved the USA and made it the free country it is today.. British Tyrants invaded America and land owning free men fought back with their own guns and weapons to protect this land.
this has happened over and over again in history.. to say that "there is jack shit that can be done about it" is far from true, just the opposite
I have guns so I have a chance at living longer if it comes to down to it. Me or them, me everytime. If someone knocks on my car window, door, approaches me or my family in public.. I'll be ready, whether I need to be or not.. that's not paranoid and certainly not ignorant.. thats prepared for the worst. An invasion is unlikely, a solar flare outage is unlikely, emp attack unlikely.. but if it happened resources will be worth killing over and I'll have enough to need a gun to protect. People change when there is great stress, and lives are at stake..

I'm a rather optimistic person, and have always believed that generally people are good but, there are bad people and sometimes under certain conditions people can flip from good to bad. I'll let my Ruger rule it out if it needs to. I don't look for trouble, or cause any.

I respect your opinion Schred, though I think your mind will run wild when your body requires x amount of calories a day and you can't feasibly obtain more than 500 without a gun..

Good luck to all who are prepared and those who are not. I don't really care if people are for or against guns, I've got mine.. not going to fight the issue anymore.
And I respect your as well. And Im not sitting here calling anyone out. Just stating my opinion and how I feel on the subject. And like I already said Im not against guns. I just think ots silly who some people, not all people, think they are the foundation.

History would prove otherwise.. ever hear of the American Revolution? It was land owning men with Guns that saved the USA and made it the free country it is today.. British Tyrants invaded America and land owning free men fought back with their own guns and weapons to protect this land.
this has happened over and over again in history.. to say that "there is jack shit that can be done about it" is far from true, just the opposite

I understand that and know about that. What Im saying if I someone/group of people wanted to take over someone elses land (US, Can, Germany, etc etc etc....anywhere) with the techonogy there is today and the amount of weaponry (not just guns) at peoples disposal and the brilliant/possibly sick minds behind that I believe the job would be done and theres nothing that could be done about it.

But, at the end of the day. I think people should just chill the fuck out live their lives, leave other people alone, stop letting religeon dictate actions and everyone should be able to live in peace and enjoy things that life has to offer an not worry about an event like this ever happening. People have gotten so paranoid and continue to get more paranoid its just sad really. Ill come right out and say it, the world is a mess and thats never going to happen. But some peoples lives would be much better if it did.
I ll close this one out then.

Some newbie w 6 posts who just pm d sourcing may wade in and get banned...been home 30 ms and bam...some rookie s bringing heat.

Well done guy s. I just re qualified with my tools for 24 mths for my PMC...so my European friends...I m gonna stroke my barrels, oil my girls breaches...mental masturbation....

T- Inbred half redneck half euro trash in bred mf er...on gear..that s me.
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