When to stop blast before doing bloods for TRT doc


New member
I'm in the middle of doing a Deca and Test blast and just received
an email asking me to see the doc on March the 13th.
I have to do bloods at least a week before then so probably the 7th March.
(Blasting: 600mg Test e, 400mg Deca)

I'll stop the blast and go back to my regular TRT dose before the bloods.
Is four weeks about right for everything to go back to normal so I don't raise any alarm bells?

Plus I was going to do continual low dose Deca while cruising, 150mg or so.
Would this affect any of the regular blood test results at all?

Deca shouldn't affect your tt reading will show up on free test so if your dr checks free test it will be high. Have seen some guys have issues with high tt while cruising on deca and it seems that some ugl's maybe mixing test with their deca.

4 weeks is probably the minimum you want to wait. If you can put it of another week or so say work schedule is to blame get private blood work to make sure your in range this way you know for sure.
Can't put it off unfortunately. The Doc travels interstate here in Australia and can only get certain appointments.

It's still about six weeks from now so I think I should stop the blast and just drop down to normal TRT doses.
The deca was really just starting to kick in.

I will probably resume the cycle straight after. Is it worth front loading with NPP to give the Deca a kickstart when I start again?

He doesn't check free test but he does check Free Androgen Index. (FAI)
Does Deca affect FAI?
Can't put it off unfortunately. The Doc travels interstate here in Australia and can only get certain appointments.

It's still about six weeks from now so I think I should stop the blast and just drop down to normal TRT doses.
The deca was really just starting to kick in.

I will probably resume the cycle straight after. Is it worth front loading with NPP to give the Deca a kickstart when I start again?

He doesn't check free test but he does check Free Androgen Index. (FAI)
Does Deca affect FAI?

Glad to see people can get TRT in Aus, makes me feel safer going about cycles now
Can't put it off unfortunately. The Doc travels interstate here in Australia and can only get certain appointments.

It's still about six weeks from now so I think I should stop the blast and just drop down to normal TRT doses.
The deca was really just starting to kick in.

I will probably resume the cycle straight after. Is it worth front loading with NPP to give the Deca a kickstart when I start again?

He doesn't check free test but he does check Free Androgen Index. (FAI)
Does Deca affect FAI?

Yes, deca most certainly DOES impact FAI as it's a ratio involving SHBG. I've heard of it used to bust athletes, but never a doctor, as SHBG will usually be lower in men on TRT - throwing the test off.

I would go back to TRT doses now to be safe, and if you want to continue using low dose deca, I would certainly be prepared to argue that FAI isn't really accurate for TRT. Otherwise, I'd hop off that too.
Yes, deca most certainly DOES impact FAI as it's a ratio involving SHBG. I've heard of it used to bust athletes, but never a doctor, as SHBG will usually be lower in men on TRT - throwing the test off.

I would go back to TRT doses now to be safe, and if you want to continue using low dose deca, I would certainly be prepared to argue that FAI isn't really accurate for TRT. Otherwise, I'd hop off that too.

i agree.. i would think a minimum 6 weeks at regular dosage should bring you back wnl