When you obtain an Injury, do you let it effect your training and diet?


Exotic is Erotic...
Speaking with a friend who is on a weight loss journey today, she informed me that a few weeks ago she had injured her shoulder and she made every excuse possible to not work out like she was and started up on Old and very bad eat habits once again.

A month ago when I checked in on her, she was weighing 183lbs, as of today her weight has crept up to 194lbs.

I am trying to give her advice, bc I too have had a shoulder injury (2 months now) but I didn't stop working out, I continued to train at the gym every single day, my weights became a lot lighter than I was using prior to my injury and increased the number of reps I perform each exercise but I figured by doing it in this manner I would slowly make it stronger, and (mentally-I felt ok. I didn't get into a full blown depression mode. However, I will admit I was very angry I had injured myself and I Blame my Horrible trainer for it). 2 months ago I was 211lbs and I am currently at 194lbs. (the same weight as my friend). It's been a slow weight loss IMO but it's a lifestyle change and body transformation I have dropped a total of 7% BF in 4.5 months and gained more lean muscle.

When people injure themselves, we can either use it as an excuse to slack off, or we can find ways to heal and strengthen ourselves.

I am sad that my friend didn't have the WILL POWER to fight those negative thoughts of BAD FOODS and had absolutely no motivation to exercise daily to help her stay on track of reaching her overall goal.

When you have an injury, How do you handle the situation?
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This depends on the injury. Do I let affect my training? Of course. Do I let it affect my diet? Hell no.

If you're injured, unless you want it to get worst, usually you need to alter your training.
This depends on the injury. Do I let affect my training? Of course. Do I let it affect my diet? Hell no.

If you're injured, unless you want it to get worst, usually you need to alter your training.

Altering my training is what I had to do, I had to research different exercises to strenghten the areas that were weak which caused the injury in the first place. I also saw my doctor and chiropractor and did special exercises and stretches every time I am about to peform an upper body exercise.

Psychologically, I do not believe she is really in it for the right reason (the weight loss journey). She is the type that continously falls off the wagon once she hits a goal she has made. She cannot seem to stay motivated to continue working at it to keep the weight off and get back the figure she had years ago. (She is a Food-aholic) Chocolate and pastas is her weaknesses...

You either want it bad enough to do what ever it takes to meet your goals or you aren't. She would have been ok, if she had just tightened up her diet a little more while she had the injury instead of falling back into old eating habits.
I would say it depends on the injury. I have had injuries where I could just tweek my routine and continue. I have also had 2 shoulder injuries that totally derailed me and put me out of the gym for an extended period of time. My shoulders were so bad at one time I was in constant pain & no position ice ect***8230; helped. I would not have ever considered myself to be obese, but I was very out of shape and it really sucked. I ended up having a torn left labrum and a torn right rotator cuff. After the resting pain went away I was able to rehab both shoulders without surgery, but took about 1 year before I got back to the gym.

I know the type that you are talking about. I have 2 women that work for me both are obese. They diet & workout for a bit lose 10-20 lbs then a month later stop the diet & stop the gym then gain it all back and more. I try to encourage them, but I'm not sure what they need for them to stick to a plan. I even offered up a biggest loser type contest for them.....winner gets $500. I'll just say the money went unclaimed.
She was Doing that type of contest too and nothing seemed to work :(

I guess when she is really ready to completely change her lifestyle she will.
She could still walk and do cardio.Unless she injured her back.

It is just a minor Shoulder injury... She can do cardio I just think she is going through depression and using this injury as an excuse not to exercise and eat bad.
This depends on the injury. Do I let affect my training? Of course. Do I let it affect my diet? Hell no.

If you're injured, unless you want it to get worst, usually you need to alter your training.

^^^^ This..I had really bad left shoulder pain and couldn't lift heavy ... So changed my workouts to high reps for about Six months ... now shoulder is 100%...Six months sucked but its what it took..
last January i had 4 bone spurs removed and my labrum repaired from lifting heavy,and rotator cuff inflamed because of the bone spurs,but it didnt stand in the way of my training or diet,course i was in PT for 14 weeks,i didnt traiin with my bad shoulder,but i trained everyday in the gym as usual just my right side of my body,never missed a beat,and i missed 4 months training with my bad shoudler,but i got back into it slow and steady and it worked out fine,it was just aggravating though
Pooor thing, really.

Her "injury" is the justification to slack. And as her weight continues to climb she will continue to spiral downward...sad.

I ve had 11 major surgeries...was benching 4 day s after an acl/patela replacement...did legs 3 day s after left delt surgery...back surgery had me ought for 10 days then my training was very very light...you gotta want it.
You have to keep your diet clean, if your truly injured your best option is rest. If its an injury you can get around you need to make sure you do so and don't make it worse.