Where I'm at now, and goals


New member
At aprox 195-200 @ 11-13%.
Goals: Looking to be sitting at 210-215 @ 11-13% by May. Considering competing locally in my hometown, but it's a "natty" competition, what a joke haha. Input would be appreciated. I'm trying to widen the lats, add size, width, and fill to chest, and increase overall everything about my arms.
looking strong dude. I think you hit it on the head..keep adding mass to the chest, your shoulders look real solid. How tall are you btw?
Looking good man, nice to see people work on those legs. How much weight have you put on since you started? BF% gone down?
Over the summer I came from about 185-205, once summer ended I changed up compounds/regiment and really just looked for recomp, and was able to keep a good amount of weight. BF% has gone down since summer, cleaned up a little bit, end of summer I was probably sitting 13-15%
looking strong dude. I think you hit it on the head..keep adding mass to the chest, your shoulders look real solid. How tall are you btw?
Thanks brother, I'm 6ft.
looking good (and pale) Rougen. Need to thicken up that back before you do anything. Heavy deads, rows, etc. Can't compete with a shallow back.

Wheels and delts are strong.
looking good (and pale) Rougen. Need to thicken up that back before you do anything. Heavy deads, rows, etc. Can't compete with a shallow back.

Wheels and delts are strong.
Thanks brother. Luckily back is my absolute favorite to train. Would do more deads but I get totally nuts back pumps that make walking difficult. Advice?

bro, im def. following your progress. What are your measurements: arms, legs?
Good question...I'm not exactly sure bro haha, appreciate your post though.
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Thanks brother. Luckily back is my absolute favorite to train. Would do more deads but I get totally nuts back pumps that make walking difficult. Advice?

...lol, those are what I aim for. If im NOT having trouble walking or standing up straight after deads it wasnt a good workout just as if I can easily walk after legs day it wasnt a good leg day.
good work bro

What really worked for widening my lats is weighted pull-ups with a dip belt and changing the grip on the lat pull down from wide to palms forward and little wider than shoulders.

Also rougen you have a wider waist so really try blowing out your delts to give the illusion of your upper being wider

Good luck with the comp bro
Thanks brother. Luckily back is my absolute favorite to train. Would do more deads but I get totally nuts back pumps that make walking difficult. Advice?


keep doing them. you need back thickness if you wanna even have a chance at placing. But you need it for aesthetic balance for sure. Try heavy rows also and alternate rack pulls and pulls from the floor. Make sure you reset after each rep. Not this bullshit i see young guys doing where they bounce the weight off the floor in one continuous motion.
Thanks brother. Luckily back is my absolute favorite to train. Would do more deads but I get totally nuts back pumps that make walking difficult. Advice?

Yup - i agree w/ numba - go for wide grip pullups (weighted) and incline DB or BB bench press. those will add a lot of size & thickness.

Also i was told by a pro that the back pumps are just overload of blood in the muscle - shows that you are hitting it hard. When i get those - I do some bench ab crunches to get the blood out of the back and stretch out the muscle. Works for me!
Yup - i agree w/ numba - go for wide grip pullups (weighted) and incline DB or BB bench press. those will add a lot of size & thickness.

Also i was told by a pro that the back pumps are just overload of blood in the muscle - shows that you are hitting it hard. When i get those - I do some bench ab crunches to get the blood out of the back and stretch out the muscle. Works for me!

Wow, thanks for that input there, meant alot. I'm thinking I'll incorporate some more rack pulls, and from the flow BB rows on normal back day, then two days later on arm day I'll do some serious deads. Sometimes the back bumps from the deads can ruin a good back day for me cause the pump will cause cramping. And christ talking about making it damn near impossible to hit my ass with a pin...
Wow, thanks for that input there, meant alot. I'm thinking I'll incorporate some more rack pulls, and from the flow BB rows on normal back day, then two days later on arm day I'll do some serious deads. Sometimes the back bumps from the deads can ruin a good back day for me cause the pump will cause cramping. And christ talking about making it damn near impossible to hit my ass with a pin...

good luck doing heavy deads on arm day. lol

I'd keep em with back day, but just alternate racks one week, from the floor the next. If you still have bad pumps, try doing them at the end of the workout. Its a great way to change things up and add strength all around.