Whey is bad for you!


New member
this really sucks...right when i was getting seriuos about getting stronger and more massive this crap happens.

im 15

ok so i finally started taking Whey shakes 2 days ago. i dont do drugs or anything but my parents are so clean omg, they get all scared wehen i decide to take a protien supplement to help me gain stregnth. SO they decide to have me call the doctor to make sure its safe :wtf: and they told me to talk to the guys that works at my gym to make sure its alright. i talked to the guy at the gym and hes all for it, i mean if your gonna workout you need protien. he checked out my routine and stuff too so thats all settled...

i just called the doctor. "o ya its ok to take it every once and a while but i wouldnt take it everyday"(ur supposed to after workouts, duh) and since i workout weekdays that would mean taking it everyday. he said some crap about it really works your kidneys and i wanna have those working:cool: . at this rate, ill be sneaking around NY at night looking for my daily protien hit.

wtf?? can any of you help me out here? thats bs if they decide im not allowed to take a damn protien suplememnt.
i just looked in FLEX magazine and it says:

"Eggs, 2 whole.....calories:150......protien:13 grams"

so if i eat 3 eggs ill get the same thing as whey except more calories. is that right? anything wrong with this? i mean the rents cant tell me eggs are bad for you. or dangerous.
Your doctor is telling you what most health professionals would and that is that, large amounts of protein put stress on the kidneys, which is true. This is one of the reasons bodybuilders drink so much water(to help filter it out), and you could also take some kind of cranberry supp with it cause it helps with kidney aid.
im only taking one a day. thats 21 g of protien + eggs and PBJ included in my diet. ty for the replies. i guess ill start drinking more water and taking whey like every other day or so(doc said its ok, just dont take it too often).
Its totally bullshit bro, dont even bother with it. The only reason i could see to "watch-out" would be if bad kidneys run in youre family? And IF so i´d only go and check my kidney values like once a month And keep my protein intake HIGH. U get protein from food also, but not the same kind.. mostly slow protein in food, and after workout for example u want a fast protein.
Ok bro, so don listen to them at all! go for it!
03gsxr1000 said:
Your doctor is telling you what most health professionals would and that is that, large amounts of protein put stress on the kidneys, which is true.

I call bullshit on this one. If you have problems with your kidneys, ok then, you need to be careful with protein intake. However, if you are healthy and have healthy kidneys, eating 1gram/lb bodyweight in protein is not going to hurt you at all.

And for the kid with the doctor/parent problems. You are going to have to do your own research and then shove that research up everybody's ass. Start looking into Dr. Peter Lemon. That alone should give you enough ammo to tell your jackass, excuse me, I meant to say doctor to take a hike.
Yah bro 21g of protein would do shit to your kidneys lol allot of people here i bet drink 150g to 300g of whey a day Lol i'm not saying you should your still young bro drink milk does your body good
hmm, bad kidneys definatly dont run in my family so no problem there. ill do what you guys all said. one more thing though...i asked the doc what would happen if i got too much protien and i didnt get a solid answer, he basiclaly just said it will make your kidneys work hard to get rid of it all. like i care if my f***in kidneys have to work hard lol:rolleyes:

i will do my own resaerch liike TxLonghorn suggested, but i value your opinions. i didnt ask my doctor....

what happens if i dont get enough protien for my workout schedule?

EDIT: i just found the answer after looking into Dr. Peter Lemons research. "Your body is pretty smart. It can get its energy from several different fuel sources. If there's less carbohydrate, your body simply burns more fat AND protein. And guess where your body gets the protein from? That's right — it starts eating away at your muscles — slowing your metabolic rate, reducing your strength AND bringing muscle growth to a grinding halt." that suprised me. i think this doctor needs another call.
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Bast said:
Its totally bullshit bro, dont even bother with it. The only reason i could see to "watch-out" would be if bad kidneys run in youre family? And IF so i?d only go and check my kidney values like once a month And keep my protein intake HIGH. U get protein from food also, but not the same kind.. mostly slow protein in food, and after workout for example u want a fast protein.
Ok bro, so don listen to them at all! go for it!

would'nt a fast protien be easier on the kidneys? they wouldnt have to do as much extracting or whatever. that would mean the whey is sometimes better then natural protiens in food.

i think i beat this topic enough, thanks for the replies, ill keep takin the whey, sneak it if i have to hahaha:40oz:
My nutrition teacher preaches about how protein is so terrible and we should all base our diets around grains...while she floats at like 40% bodyfat...Now which is more unhealthy?
string_bean00 said:
My nutrition teacher preaches about how protein is so terrible and we should all base our diets around grains...while she floats at like 40% bodyfat...Now which is more unhealthy?

how, in good conscience, can a nutrition teacher call themselves a nutrition expert when they don't follow their own advice???? :confused:

i suppose in one way she's a "nutrition" expert.. lol
I hate enforced ignorance, and that's what your jackass doctor is trying to do, enforce his ignorance upon you. Instead of saying, 'I don't know,' he replies with some bullshit answer. Kinda like when you ask somebody for directions, they'll never admit to not knowing.

And jackcity10, you are now one of my new favorite posters. You had a question/problem, were given the tools to research it...and you researched it!

You've got a friend in Tx. Right now, you are too young to be using hormones and prohormones, but when you do I'm sure you'll have done your homework.
thanks man, i appreciate it. i looked at Dr. Lemons research and asked the guy that works at my gym tonight about how much protien i should be gettin, .6-.8g/lb - they both agreed. so .7 times my body weight gives me about 95 grams of protien/day. im gettin nowhere near that much! i dont think so at least, ill calculate tomorrow.

thanks again for all your guys help.
If a pro bodybuilder walked into a doctors office weighing 260 lbs at 12% bf, the would be told that they were obese. :rolleyes:
rjx said:
Eat chicken, tuna and drink a gallon of skim mike everyday.

Milk can be a good thing, but I'm not sure about a gallon a day. The skim might be fat free, but its still got lots of sugar...around 12 or 13 grams per 8 ounces I think. That's just more sugar than I'd ever want in my diet.
Good point.
Its just an easy cheap way of getting alot of added protein everyday.

If I were jackcity10 I would try to get a job since some places hire at 15 and then spend my money on food. I am sure his family wouldn't want to buy at least two 10 lbs bags of frozen chicken, a few gallons of milk, fresh fish, tuna, 7 gallons of water, veggies, fruits, etc every week just for him. But he is gonna have to eat his ass off if he wants to get a few hundred g's of protein each day.

Try to get a job at a gym and keep your protein supps there!

If you do have money, just buy the already mixed drinks from a gym or something. That way you can drink it very fast in your bedroom behind closed doors. And you won't make it obvious from all the noisy blending.

I dunno, there are many ways to get around your parents.
lol that's funny they're acting like protein is steroids or something. Im 16 yet my parents seem to understand what the protein does for me.